The Bento Box

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[Req.: "I have a request and if you cloud write it, it would be amazing!... we know Chishiya doesn't cook, so I guess that he buys bentos everyday to go to work. Imagine that after him and the reader moved together, she, everyday gets up earlier than him to make him bentos... how do you think he would react? After all I don't think he ever had someone to do that to him, like home cooked meals after he became an adult."]


Chishiya's inability to cook has never been a secret to you. He doesn't really care for the kind of food landing on his plate as long as it's edible and quick to make, and it had been frustrating at first when you spent hours in the kitchen to prepare a fantastic multi-course meal for him and he'd appreciate it as much as cup ramen.

By now you have accepted that this is just one of Chishiya's traits that he'll probably never get rid off, and it's fine. What's not fine however is that he still keeps buying those horrible premade bento-boxes for work, and while most cup ramen dishes taste okay, those bentos definitely don't. They are worse than chewing on plastic, and you have no idea how Chishiya has managed to eat those daily over several years now. This man might be a culinary nitwit, but you won't allow him to stick to this crime for any longer.

You decide that it has to stop when you find a wonderful bento-box in the small store around the corner, made out of bamboo and painted with cute little strawberries, although decent enough not to look girlish. Strawberries are one of Chishiya's greatest loves, and he has wasted enough one-way packages that have been made without any love.

With the bento-box in your backpack, you stop at the grocery to grab the essentials for your plan, sushi rice, vegetables and fish, careful not to choose those things that you know Chishiya dislikes.

And since Chishiya isn't home when you arrive at your apartment, you have plenty of time to make preparations: cook the sushi rice, make the tuna maki he likes to eat, and cook and cut the vegetables before you stow them in the fridge. He won't throw a look inside anyway because you have already prepared dinner for today, and all he does when he gets back from work is ask why you're grinning all the time.

Getting up early isn't always easy, even more since you decided to get up earlier than Chishiya. He's a light sleeper, so you're extra-cautious to leave bed without waking him up and carefully close the door behind you before you allow the huge yawn to come out. The plan is to go back to bed once you're done here and sleep for a couple of hours more before you have to prepare for your own work.

Thanks to your preparations on the day before, the bento doesn't take too long to make. You place the maki next to little cucumber hearts and use little pieces of nori to turn the onigiri into grinning panda bears relaxing in a pool of fried chicken with chives covering it all like tiny leaves on a pond. Because you have been told that one of the most important parts with making a bento is the love you arrange it with, and you definitely put all the love you feel for Chishiya into this tiny little box. It might look childish to him, pathetic even, but that's fine. You make sure to place it on the counter and put his keys on top of it so he will know immediately it's for him.

Chishiya definitely won't have to buy a cheap and nasty bento today.

When you scramble back into the warm bed, the man next to you has just begun to shift and is close to waking up. With a smile on your face, you snuggle up next to him and soon fall back to sleep.


The bento box is the first thing you notice when you come home from work. It is carefully placed next to the sink, and what surprises you the most - it has already been cleaned. Chishiya doesn't do the dishes. Never.

And he doesn't talk about the bento, no 'thank you' or other words of appreciation. Not that you'd have expected any; the fact that he cleaned the box is more than enough for you. And despite the shift being stressful like usual, Chishiya seems more relaxed today. It could be a coincidence, but you like to think it has something to do with the bento you did for him.

You continue this for several days, always getting up early in the morning or staying up late in the evenings to prepare something for Chishiya, which is easier to do when he has to work late shift but still hard enough since he doesn't sleep long in any case. Sometimes you switch the tuna maki with salmon or beef, sometimes it's cat onigiri instead of pandas. The love you put into making the bento always stays the same, and you'd always find it next to the sink and already cleaned afterwards.

One morning, after you went to bed before Chishiya returned from his shift, you find the bento box not only cleaned but with a chocolate muffin placed on top, and what's even more surprising: the coffee brewer has already been put on and is almost ready now that you're awake. You turn around to the kitchen table, where Chishiya already sits and sips his tea while reading the newspapers. This is one of the rare days where he doesn't have to work, which also means that you don't have to prepare a bento.

"I assume you didn't bake this one yourself?" you ask with a grin, and the man in question answers with a similar smirk.

"You assumed right." He flips a page, and you are about to ask further when he gives you the information himself. "It was a co-worker's birthday. She brought them and said she didn't want to take home a single one, so I took one for you too."

That makes much more sense, of course. The muffin really looks delicious, with a soft chocolate core and white chips covering the top, and you sit down opposite to Chishiya as soon as your coffee is ready. Biting into the small cakelet, you hum in delight since it tastes even better than it looks.

"Chishiya, this is wonderful!"

He shrugs, mostly unimpressed by the noises you make. "Told you it's not from me."

"But you thought about me when you took this home, and I appreciate that. And the coffee is great as well." You reach for his hand and squeeze it, finally causing Chishiya to look you in the eye.

His eyes are on top of the list of things you love the most when it comes to Chishiya. They're not just a simple brown; you always find a profundity in them, and even after years of being in a relationship with this man, they are still able to hold mysteries sometimes. Although this morning, the words he speaks are an even greater surprise to you.

"It's little compared to... you know."

The indirect mention of the bento-boxes makes your heart skip a beat. Is he actually thanking you for the daily effort? You know he loves them without a word from his side, thus it means so much more when he addresses it. "You mean the bentos?"

Chishiya nods and sips on his tea, but his eyes still rest on yours.

"I'm glad you like them. Couldn't let you eat those carton-flavored bentos all the time!" This makes both of you chuckle, and you focus on your phone to scroll through the most recent social media news. This has been more conversation than you usually have until high noon, since Chishiya really needs some silence in the morning and you appreciate it too now and then. All you hear for a couple of minutes is the sound of pages being flipped and you sipping the coffee.

"I have never had something that good."

Your head jolts up and for a moment you're sure that it has been a sound coming from your phone, even more since Chishiya seems to be focused on the newspapers. But it definitely didn't come from your phone, and you blink a few times until you can accept that Chishiya has actually said this.

Once more you place your hand above his, and his fingers close around yours immediately. You will probably never hear it again, and Chishiya won't repeat himself. But you have heard it, and that's all what counts.

He likes the bento-boxes you make for him.

This alone is enough for you to keep doing it for the person you love the most.

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