Falling Apart

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[Req.: "Hello Szallejh-chan. Can I request where the reader is living with Chishiya. The reader is like 4th year college student and Chishiya is already an intern and he was being paid (canonical Chishiya is rich coz his father is a doctor with high position). While the reader is struggling financially because she doesn't have a family anymore. She needed to support herself. She's struggling to balance part time jobs and being a full time student that it takes toll on her physical and mental health. She wouldn't ask Chishiya for money or would borrow money from him coz she's too shy and wanna keep her dignity. Like she's getting skinny and mentally drained and would often breakdown when Chishiya is not around because she's exhausted trying to survive and making ends meet. Then, by accident Chishiya heard her crying and found out that the reader is struggling financially and he helped her. I don't how would you do the helping part but I trust your judgment. Sorry if the explanation is too long I just wanted to be specific. Thank you! I hope you are healthy both physically and mentally ♥️ (this request is actually based on my current situation right now struggling between working and studying)."]


You're not sure you can do this much longer. It's too much, all of it. This should have been a dream come true, living together with the most handsome man in entire Tokyo and studying what you've wanted to study since you were a little child.

In the end, it turns out to be a nightmare.

You feel drained. University is taking most of your time during the week, with all the papers and essays and courses you have to attend, and then there's the part time jobs. Work at the grocery store every saturday and sometimes on other evenings as well, work as a waitress in the restaurant down the street on sundays.

The last day off you remember has been half a year ago, and still, you can't even afford a simple breakfast. Financial support is rare when none of your family is left in the country, and the restaurant had issues with paying out your salary this month. There had been troubles already last month, and the month before.

With not a single penny left on your bank account, you don't even have enough to buy a simple bottle of water. Payment from the store is just enough to pay the monthly rent, at least your half of it. Chishiya pays the other, and he doesn't struggle at all. How should he when he's already working as a surgeon, in a famous clinic with a famous name? Some would even call him rich, although he couldn't care less about that.

And yet here you are, starving while sitting in front of a brimful fridge.

The food has all been bought by Chishiya, with the money he earned. You don't deserve any of it, and you refuse to take it. As a grown-up woman, you should be able to afford your own stuff, right? You shouldn't rely on your boyfriend for such simple needs.

Chishiya wouldn't even mind to pay it for you. He would instantly pay all of the rent if you told him about your struggles, but you'd rather sink into the ground than do that. He knows that it's not easy for you, yes, although you're doing a good job making him believe that it still works out so far. Despite the regular breakdowns you're suffering from.

Looking at the tremble in your hands, you don't think you can keep it up much longer. You've been so tired for an eternity now, and not only because there is not really an opportunity for you to sleep much. It's the mental exhaustion that's the worst, the fears and worries and doubts shouting and screaming inside your mind, causing you headache after headache.

Today you've been lucky that the restaurant's chef offered all of you some snacks as an apology for the lack of payment, but a couple of fries and burritos can't make up for the weeks and months of stress you're going through. And it won't help your current state to get much better at all.

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