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[Req.: "hi hi hi! I was wondering if you could write a one-shot of Chishiya helping reader find motivation for their homework? I just started up my 2nd fall semester in uni and have 0 motivation so i imagine chishiya telling me how easy college algebra is and how i'm just being lazy."]


Funny how you always manage to distract yourself with literally anything when you should concentrate on something that you don't want to do. Homework, for example. Sure, it is just a simple task that needs to be handed in tomorrow (which you could have finished three weeks prior, but you had done a perfect job pretending it didn't exist until today), and now there is that cute blog you followed that suddenly posted something very interesting and a new episode of that series you wanted to watch, and what about the friends you haven't texted for a couple of days?

"Procrastination at its finest", a mocking voice speaks up behind you and you almost drop the phone out of your hands.Not able to hide the guilt in your eyes, you face Chishiya who stands in the doorway, his arms hidden in the pockets as he watches you with a knowing smirk.

"No, I-" there would be plenty of excuses you could make up, only that Chishiya wouldn't believe a single one of them. And who are you trying to fool other than yourself? No matter what you say, it will remain an excuse.

You sigh and drop your head at the table so it covers the algebra papers you managed to hide so well until today. "I can't do it", you mutter into your hands, only to hear a chuckle coming from behind.

"Of course you can. You simply are too lazy to do it."

How are you supposed to find motivation for this, anyway? Why waste your precious time with maths when you could do so much more, like... spending hours in social media?

"The numbers are mocking me. They make it even harder for me to finish this."

Chishiya approaches your table and sits down on the top. You peek at him between your fingers and notice that he's still grinning when he pulls out the exercise sheet under your arms. "The numbers don't do anything. You know what's mocking you?"

You huff. "A man called Chishiya Shuntarou?"

"Precisely. Actually, those tasks are pretty simple. You don't want me to start on what I had to do while studying medicine."

Taking the sheet out of Chishiya's hands, you skim through the tasks written on it. You have read them so many times now, and not a single one promises to be fun. That's why you spent the last weeks with frantically cleaning up your desk, sorting through your old clothes, even cleaning the bathroom, just to keep yourself distracted from algebra. And when you had seen the reminder of your prof that this homework will be due tomorrow, your heart almost stopped and you immediately begun to delete old photos from your phone to cope with the stress. It's hopeless.

You reach for the pad and stare at the blank page where nothing has been written yet other than your name. "If it's so easy, can't you do it for me?"

"No." Chishiya picks up a pen and twirls it in his fingers, and you can see in his eyes that he already knows the solution to all the exercises.

"Why not? I did your laundry yesterday, so you can do something for me as well."

A raised brow is your answer, and he places the pen down next to your hand. "Are we playing this game now? Well then, I'll be ready to move out by tomorrow morning."

Taking the pen, your mouth turns into a pout. "I just can't find a single spark of motivation for this." Which is true, because the longer you stare at the words and symbols and numbers, the less eager you are to finish it. Your grades are good enough anyway, so it wouldn't matter much if you didn't hand in this one and accept a bad grading-

"Don't even think of it."

Chishiya seems to read your mind like always, and in this moment you hate him for that. "Can't you help me, just for once?"

But Chishiya doesn't give in. "I could, however I won't do it. You'd ask me again next time, and again, which is not the purpose of your study. Ah-" he places his finger on top of your mouth when you're about to disagree (a lie, obviously, because of course you would ask him again), "pull yourself together. Do you think I'd chose a woman not clever enough to beat such simple algebra tasks?"

You smile and slightly shake your head. It's not that you couldn't do it... you simply don't want to.

"Anyways, didn't you want to watch that movie with me some day?"

This question is unexpected, and you can't quite believe that he would watch it with you now while you're supposed to do something more important. "Wait, you mean-"

Now it's Chishiya's turn to disagree. "I will watch it with you, given that you stop being lazy and finish this sheet by eight."

A quick glance to the watch tells you that you have approximately four hours left, which isn't much. But you really want to watch that movie, and you really want to be done with this. You sigh in retreat. "Promise?"

"Promise." He gets up from the table and neatly places all papers in front of you. "But this-" he reaches for your phone, where the blog you scrolled through is still open, "will stay with me until you're finished."

"But what if I need to look something up?!" Or rather, what if someone texts me int he meantime and I very importantly need to answer because the picture they sent of their cat is too cute for this world to handle?

Chishiya points at your notebook already gathering dust in the corner of your desk, and you grunt in frustration. This is a war you can't win, no matter how hard you try.

He pats your head and you turn around, wordlessly asking for a motivation kiss before he leaves. You can't wait to get more of this while watching the movie, knowing that Chishiya will dislike both the film and the overflow of affection. And yet he has agreed to do it for you, so you're not going to disappoint.

He is right, after all: the tasks are not mocking you. They are nothing but dried ink on a paper, and you're the one wearing the crown in this game.And once you have accepted that there's no way around, and remind yourself that you're doing this for a reason and have a goal in sight that you want to reach, it's actually not that hard to start.

Time flies by while you work yourself through all of the tasks, sometimes you ruffle your hair in frustration when an equation doesn't work out as it's supposed to, sometimes you swallow down the urge to throw the pen out of the window as hard as you can. But in the end, every question is answered with a solution that appears correct to you, and it's five minutes to eight when you finish the last sentence.

Only now you realize that a smell of popcorn is coming from the kitchen, and you stretch your tired limbs while collecting all the papers scattered over your table. You descend the stairs to the living room and actually find Chishiya lingering on the sofa with some drinks and a huge bowl of popcorn ready and waiting for you. He smirks when he sees you and scans through your writing.

"I really thought you wouldn't make it in time."

You punch his side and grab a fistful of popcorn. Microwave, of course, since Chishiya would never make it himself. You have been close to giving up more than once, but now you're here and you're proud at yourself. Even though Chishiya is obviously continuing to mock you, you can hear the proud tone in his voice as well, and you know he did trust in you to finish it. "Oh? What about the popcorn, then?"

He hums and places the papers down on the table. So far he seems satisfied with what you've done, and that's more than enough for you.

"You know as good as I that I could have eaten it all by myself."

Which is true, for the record. And it wouldn't be the first time.

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