The Strawberry Crepe Cake

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[Req. by Katkirishima : "It's currently 2:38am and I can't sleep, so I was casually watching a video of a cake recipe and I instantly had an idea. So, imagine Chishiya seeing the reader making a cake, for example, Strawberry Crepe Cake (it was actually the cake of the recipe that I was watching), and realizing how much effort she puts into it, knowing that she made it just for him. It's totally ok, if you don't feel like writing I just thought it was a cute idea. "]


The first thing Chishiya notices upon entering the apartment is the smell. The unmistakable note of vanilla flavor and flour, causing a feint dust to linger in the air of the kitchen.

Which looks like an absolute mess, although that's not at all unusual when you decide to bake something. The whole countertop is covered in flour and ingredients as well as bowls are scattered everywhere, while you're baking something in a pan and humming a feint melody. It almost looks like a pancake, just that it's... pink?

"What are you doing there?" he asks upon getting closer to you, peeping over your shoulder to get a better look. Now he can definitely tell that it's pancakes, and two of them are already cooling down on a plate next to the stove. Only that they're not round but square, which is pretty unusual for pancakes. And he doesn't recall owning a square pan anyway.

You lift your head with a smile and greet him with a quick kiss before you turn around the pancake. "Trying out an old family recipe of ours. I've done it plenty of times already, but never since we've moved together, so that needed to be changed."

Chishiya hums, already delighted with the prospect of something sweet for dinner. You're undeniably talented when it comes to cooking, and together with the fact that Chishiya is a sweet tooth, that's a brilliant combination.

He scans over the countertop, where next to the bowl with the pink batter is some kind of cream, and then there's a bowl filled with huge red strawberries. Obviously the dessert will contain them, and it's getting better with every second. Moving to the side as inconspicuously as possible, Chishiya tries to get closer to the red sweets and has already stretched out his hand when the pancake turner hits him almost hard enough to be painful.

"Ah, ah, ah! I need them. All of them. No snacking allowed in my kitchen!"

"Your kitchen?" he replies with a smirk, retreating from the strawberries for now but not yet giving up on getting one. "Last time I checked, this was our shared property."

You snort and put the finished pancake to the table before adding new batter to the pan. "Right now, this is my kitchen. My recipe, my kitchen. And my rules."

While the pancake slowly bakes, Chishiya watches the rest of the kitchen. Not only does it look like a mess, but also like lots of work. Everything seems to be prepared already, although he has no idea so far what the end result will look like. There's the pancakes, the strawberries, the cream, and a square cake mould without a bottom.

"What is this family recipe of yours, then?" he asks with a nod to all those utensils, and he wonders how long you've been preparing all this already. It looks like an hour of work minimum, and you don't seem to be that far yet.

"Strawberry Crepe Cake." As you finish another pancake and refill the pan, you brightly smile at Chishiya. "It's fabulous, believe me! And I don't have a single doubt that you'll love it."

That sounds interesting indeed. You have created so many things already, from cakes to pastries to sweets and back, but this has never been one of them. It makes Chishiya wonder why, because everything about it sounds good. He likes strawberries, he likes crepes, and he likes cakes. What could possibly go wrong? "We'll see about that once it's finished", he smirks teasingly, barely avoiding another hit of the pancake turner.

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