Hidden Temptations (NSFW!)

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[Req.: "can we get a scenario about a needy chishiya What will he be like or act like if he makes advances to his s/o? maybe from his point of view (:"]

This Oneshot contains sexual content. If you're underage or not comfortable with such content, please skip this chapter.


Just like a fly, buzzing close to his ear whenever he tries to concentrate, or tickling his skin as soon as he has deemed himself safe from the annoying animal. That's the only comparison coming to his mind when Chishiya watches you, and it seems to fit perfectly.

Whatever caused you to do yoga inside your room, stretching and panting while wearing nothing but the already tight swimwear, moving your body into positions that merely leave space for imaginations since they reveal almost everything... doesn't leave him unfazed at all.

And you don't even seem to notice. You simply switch from exercise to exercise, one more exotic than the last, your face already reddened from exhaustion and chest rising and falling quickly. "Three, two, one..."

If you wanted to do some training, you could have used the fitness room of the Beach. Although Chishiya has to admit he's glad that you decided to do this inside here, where no one else is allowed to watch other than him. Most of the people here would have taken that view as a clear invitation, and even Chishiya has to shift to sit more comfortably with the growing bulge in between his legs.

You're really not making it easier for him.

Multiple times now he has tried to focus on the desk, on the modified water gun he's currently tinkering with, but whenever there is a new gasp coming from behind, his head automatically turns around. Like the buzzing fly, making it impossible to focus on anything else.

A knock on the door and a quick message spoken through the thin wood announce that there will be a meeting in a couple of minutes, one that Chishiya can hardly skip if he wants to keep his position as an Executive. At least it will give him a chance to distract his thoughts... or not.

As he gets up, he realizes that the bathers will never be able to cover the bulge that has meanwhile taken on a remarkable size. It is almost uncomfortable, although still better than it would have been with jeans, and there's no way he can simply ignore the aching pressure until it leaves on its own. After all, he's still human, and some human desires have to be met once in a while.

Now standing in the middle of the room, he stares straight at you, how you lift your bottom up high into the air while feet and arms touch the ground. Definitely no space for imaginations, since everything is clearly shown right in front of him. And whoever invented those yoga poses clearly didn't intend them to be done in nothing but swimwear. Doing them naked wouldn't have been mich different.

The sound escaping his throat causes you to glance up from your weird position, and you give him a wide smile. "Wanna kiss me goodbye before you go to the- oh."

Seems that you have caught sight on what can't be hidden, since your already reddened face turns dark crimson while your lips move into an even wider grin. You lose balance, stumble for a moment on your yoga mat before you lean against the frame of the bed.

No, there's definitely no way how Chishiya could go to that meeting now without doing something against the pressure in his middle. He approaches you, the closeness forcing you to sit down on the bed, but that's not enough. Only when your back touches the mattress under you, allowing Chishiya to hover over you, he moves his face close to yours and gives you a smirk.

"This is solely your fault, you should know that." His most sensitive part is already pressing against your body, and it causes your breath to quicken again, only this time it's not from physical exhaustion. Yet.

Blushing at both the feeling and his words, you grin and lift your head to kiss him. "I'll confess to my crime, then. But..." you drop back into the mattress, "what about the meeting?"

Chishiya sneers, underlining his words with another movement of his hips. "They can wait a few more minutes."

More time won't be needed since he has been forced to watch you for quite a while already, and it takes a mere second for him to reach into the drawer of the nightstand and pull out a condom.

"Uhh, Chishiya, are you sure-"

He doesn't even care to take off his bathers, it is enough that he pushes them down far enough to release the part of him that has been screaming for attention louder and louder. The relief makes him sigh, but it's not at all what he needs now. There's just one more barrier standing in the way.

"Get that off", he mutters with a hoarse voice, dark and serious as he pulls over the condom and watches you get rid of the pants. Yes, that's better. Much better.

While he places himself over your body again, you lean towards him for a kiss, much more intense this time. His tongue is as demanding as other parts of his body, his hands pinning your shoulders into the sheets while his member has already found your core, inviting him with the warmth that nothing else can give. You're as ready as he is, and Chishiya doesn't waste a second longer.

A shudder runs through his entire body and he moans into the kiss as soon as he shoves himself inside your tight core, moving faster and faster with each thrust. In his mind, the images of you doing those yoga exercises stack on top of the current sensations, your breath hot against his face and your fingers clawing into his shoulders to withstand the vigorous movements of his middle. He barely allows you to gasp for air in between the kisses, already panting and moaning under the force, although Chishiya knows that it's not enough to cause you pain. While there's no time to make it slow, he would never lose enough control to hurt you, even though it means that it takes him a bit longer to release.

Panting audibly now, he focuses on the way your tongue plays with his, as warm and wet as other parts of you, how the pressure inside his body intensifies until it's almost too much to bear.

And then, with a single explosion spreading through all his body, it releases at once. The next thrusts are completely out of control, his heavy breathing only accompanied by your own gasps. Chishiya leans his forehead against yours, regaining his breath while he supports himself on his elbows as not to crush you.

The sight of you lying under him, eyes half-closed and cheeks reddened with your lips still parted, is simply marvelous. He knows your body is aching for more, screaming for your own release, but too much time has passed already. The least thing Chishiya wants is one of the executives entering the room, reminding him of the meeting with you exposed like this. No, this sight belongs to him only and to no one else.

He pulls out with a last grunt and rolls off your body. It is hard not to look at your bare body, still inviting him and pleading for a continuation, so he throws away the condom and straightens his bathers again. The slight blush on his face will have vanished once he reaches the meeting room, and all other signs have been unmade – for now.

Chishiya knows for sure though that this here is not over. You are far from that.

"Be here. As soon as the meeting's over, I'll come back." His voice is still a bit hoarse, fed by the anticipation of thoughts already circling his mind. The things he will do to you once there's more time.

You turn around to face him, pressing your thighs together as if to stop the longing. "Why? You want to continue where you stopped?"

Already reaching for the door handle, he nods, rewarding you with a smirk.

One that you return immediately. "Don't worry. I'll be waiting."

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