No Time to Die - Part I

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"Doctor Chishiya?"

One of the nurses enters the operation theatre, and Chishiya hums as a sign that he has heard her while he continues to sew up the patient lying in front of him. It has been a standard cardiac valve surgery, and the exciting part is already done. The sewing is like cleaning up the kitchen after a huge dinner. Necessary, but bothersome.

"You are needed in another theatre", the nurse continues, knowing him well enough that he won't waste unnecessary words. "A pleural effusion that needs immediate intervention."

"Haemothorax?" he asks, and the nurse agrees. A patient with too much blood gathering around their lungs, causing breathing difficulties and in the worst case, respiratory arrest. "I assume Doctor Watanabe is tied up with another operation."

"Yes." While the nurse talks, Chishiya nods to one of his assistants as a sign that they should continue the sewing. This isn't something only the attending surgeon could do. "The by-pass is taking longer than expected."

Making sure his assistant knows what to do, Chishiya steps back from his current patient and then follows the nurse into the other theatre. Emergencies happen, and priorities have to be set. A haemothorax is something that can usually be treated without an operation, but there are some rare cases where blood gathers too quickly for a single needle to ease the pressure.

It only takes him a couple of minutes to enter the other theatre, and he thoroughly cleans his hands and lets the assistant change his mask and gloves so he'll be ready for the next patient. Through the window, he can see the patient already lying on the table and being prepared for anesthesia. In such emergencies, the team is well attuned so not a single minute is wasted, and the patient will already be unconscious the moment Chishiya steps in, allowing him to begin immediately.

As soon as the automatic glass door opens in front of Chishiya, an assistant begins to brief him, stating the gender and age of the patient. "traffic accident, probably concussion and left ankle sprained, and of course the-"

"The haemothorax", Chishiya finishes in a monotonous voice. Not one of the most common operations, but an easy one. He wouldn't even throw a glance at the patient's face it he didn't have to walk past it to get in place, and he expects it to be just another anonymous face.

Just... that this person isn't anonymous to him. More than anything, this face is the most familiar.

Because it's yours.

The thoughts dash through his head faster than a single heartbeat, but on the outside, he doesn't even flinch. No one here knows that he and you are in a relationship, and for now, it has to stay that way. If anyone knew, Chishiya wouldn't be allowed to operate on you any further. And on one side, that'd mean your operation would be delayed since the only other surgeon currently on duty is currently occupied, and on the other, he wants to make sure you're being treated right. No one could do it the way he does. You deserve the best, nothing less. And Chishiya is the best.

Chishiya cannot allow himself to question what exactly happened that brought you here, and he has no time to take a look at your other injuries. Right here, right now, there's blood rapidly gathering in your pleura, slowly suffocating you.

For the first time in his life, he is glad to have a piece of cloth separating him from your face. It is used in surgeries to keep the patient as anonymous as possible so the surgeons will focus on the important things. Chishiya won't ignore the fact that this here lying in front of him is you. He will remind himself again and again to make sure this is his best work out of all operations he has done.

No one else notices his strain. The blonde is perfect in keeping his poker face, and his hands don't tremble as he moves the scalpel across your chest. No one notices how he screams internally, raging about how this could happen to you.

No one notices his fear.

This surgery isn't complicated, and it usually is finished within less than an hour, but there's always a certain risk. Chishiya works thoroughly and focused, and everything looks fine for you. As soon as he cuts a small opening into your pleura, the superfluous blood pours out, immediately easing the pressure on your lungs. Even during anesthesia, he notices how your breathing calms down and your body loosens some of its tension.

The internal wound causing the bleeding is quickly sealed, and you will leave with nothing but a tiny scar that'll be barely noticeable to anyone who doesn't search for it.

Chishiya even allows himself to breathe out in relief, convinced that this surgery is over, when the monitors begin to go crazy.

Your pulse quickens dangerously, and your blood pressure drops to the ground. Chishiya doesn't know what has caused this sudden emergency, but there is not always a visible reason. You've had an accident, and he has only focused on the most severe injury. Still your body has undergone lots of stress, both physically and mentally, and the human heart can only bear so much before it collapses.

Only that you won't collapse on Chishiya's shift.

The assistants begin to hurry, everyone knowing their position and the protocol in such emergencies. Adrenaline is being supplied to your bloodstream and people around Chishiya are getting ready for reanimation measures if needed.

Oh no, you won't dare to do this to him.

For some very long seconds, Chishiya's eyes are glued to the monitor showing your heart rate. He bites the inside of his cheek so hard that he tastes blood, internally despising himself because this won't cause the values to normalize.

"Doctor Chishiya-" one of his assistants begins, trying to tell him that they'll have to use further measures in case the adrenaline doesn't kick in.

He lifts his hand, telling the assistant to wait for a second longer while he mentally forces you to come back to him, and with a silent beeping sound, you do. Your pulse drops down to a more healthy way and your blood pressure seems to stabilize as well, and Chishiya breathes out in relief. Any other patient could have died here for how much he cared, but not you. He wouldn't allow you to.

A few seconds more pass where everyone takes the time to calm down before Chishiya finishes the surgery, making sure your wound has been closed perfectly and you're stable enough to be checked for other, minor injuries. It seems that the haemothorax has been the worst, and now that you've got past that, a sprained ankle and concussion will be something you can deal with.

The assistants move you to the recovery, while Chishiya cleans himself up and discards the surgery clothes. He would have preferred to leave with you, although he knows that you'll take a while anyway to wake up, and it won't help you to see your partner completely soaked in your own blood.

As soon as you've regained consciousness, Chishiya will find out what exactly has happened to you. And he definitely won't hold back telling you that he was the one saving your life, and that you owe him to get well again as soon as you can.

It'll require you to spend a while on the sofa and recover, but Chishiya will make sure you'll follow that advice.

Because if he wants, he can be very persistent – and he knows exactly what works best in your case.

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