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Req. by lapinshianonima: "Hello! I don't want to bother, but I just had an idea for a one shot of chishiya, like him having a guilty taste for doña's songs (like la gata bajo la lluvia, or something like that)Some situation in which Chishiya cry would also be interesting, it is quite difficult to imagine"]


Sometimes, when you come to Chishiya's place, there's silence. Sometimes you hear music or voices coming from the television. It is hard to tell what you'll find when opening the door, since Chishiya is unpredictable. You'll find him lazing on the sofa, sipping some tea or reading a book, maybe he's busy with his phone or not there at all.

You usually make sure to tell him whenever you plan to come over, but since he doesn't always check his messages and you have a key to his door, you usually end up here anyway. Today you're sure that he is at home because you'll have some kind of date tonight, as close to a date as it can be with a man like him.

The plan is to cook dinner together, which will mean that you do most of the cooking and he does most of the eating, and then watch one of the very old but still very good movies, where you'll laugh at the bad effects and why you still like it so much. There might even be some cuddling and kissing, presumed he's in the mood for that much affection.

With a smile on your face, you knock on the door, but the sound is drowned out by loud music coming from inside. It is unusually loud, and this is much different from anything you have listened to in his presence before. This isn't Rock, it is not Hip Hop or Rap, not even one of his rare classical moments.

It sounds more like something your mother would listen to together with her friends, and it's not Japanese or English. In fact, it sounds more like... Spanish?

Not yet sure what to expect, you enter the apartment. Like always, the feint scent of cinnamon lingers in the air. Chishiya doesn't use scented candles or anything like that, it just appears to be his own scent somehow. You have never recognized it on himself, but every time you visit, it's there. Chishiya couldn't tell you where it comes from, and he doesn't smell it himself, but to you, it's undeniable.

Getting rid of shoes and jacket, you call his name, and the answer comes from the kitchen. The music is louder there, and now you can definitely tell that it's Spanish. A happy and rhythmic song is currently playing, at least that's the feeling it gives you, and you could easily imagine couples dancing Salsa to it. It's the clear opposite of what would suit Chishiya in your opinion.

But it seems the evening is not yet done with surprising you. When you enter the kitchen, you find Chishiya standing at the counter, and he seems to be preparing dinner. You must be dreaming – otherwise you could never explain the scene currently unfolding in front of you. Chishiya cooking and humming along a Spanish song, this definitely has to be a dream.

"Uh... hi?" you hesitantly ask as you hug Chishiya from behind. He drops whatever he has been holding and turns around to you, and in that moment you realize the change in his eyes. They're... reddened and watering?!

"What's wrong?" you add with sudden concern in your voice, but Chishiya only chuckles and shakes his head with a sniff. He points to the kitchen counter, showing you that he has just been cutting an onion, and now you can smell the burning scent of it as well.

"I planned to make some preparations", he wipes his eyes dry and rubs them, which only causes more tears to come, "and cutting onions was the only step I knew of. Turns out it wasn't the best idea."

You watch the badly cut onion, its pieces too large to cook properly, but at least he tried. And both the fact that he did and that it makes him cry like a little child causes you to laugh. "That's sweet, but... don't rub your eyes. Only makes it worse." You reach for his hands and prevent him from moving them to his face again, holding them tightly instead.

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