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"What are you talking about?" you shout in an almost hysteric voice, and Chishiya leans back against the sofa and exhales a deep breath. He didn't want this discussion, especially not on his only day off since two weeks. And even though he tried anything to avoid this certain topic, here you are – arguing about the exact thing.

"It's not even much I'm asking you for", you continue since he remains silent. "One family meeting. Those are like once or twice a year? That's really not too much to ask, is it?"

Chishiya just watches you, face reddened with anger and breath quickening while you try to convince him. You have told him everything he needs to know already. The wedding of a cousin, one that you really like but that lives quite far away, so you want to spend the whole weekend there. Maybe even do some sightseeing on the day after the wedding.

It wouldn't be too much to ask for, of course. Family meetings aren't that bad when it's your family, and Chishiya never attends the ones on his side anyway. No, he'd have agreed to it without discussion if it wasn't for one single detail.

"You know it's the weekend of the Surgeon ESC." That one world congress for surgeons that will exhibit really interesting innovations, products and services about anything a surgeon could dream about. This year, the congress will be in Switzerland and Chishiya has already been given a ticket both for flight and accommodation as well as the congress entry.

It is an important event to him, much more important than a wedding of someone he has only seen once in his life. And he doesn't even prohibit you to go. You're free to visit your family for the entire weekend, but he can't accompany you this time. There will be plenty more weddings, funerals and birthdays where you can brag with your fantastic surgeon boyfriend.

"That's..." ruffling your hair with one hand, you pace the living room the way you always do when you're upset. Chishiya has watched it so many times now, but rarely has he been the reason to upset you. "Why do you want to go there, anyway? You already know everything they will tell you!"

Chishiya huffs. "Probably. But one doesn't always get a ticket to Zurich to meet the world's best surgeons."

"And my cousin doesn't marry like five times a month. This is a once-in-a-lifetime-event, Shuntarou! And that stupid congress is every year. You can go next year. Or follow it through an online stream or something."

Follow a congress via stream while he sits in a hall filled with people too loud and too drunk to lead proper conversations with? Where all he will do is avoid questions why you two haven't married yet, why there are no children, and more pathetic stuff that most people expect from others? "You can send me pictures", he suggests in a last attempt to soothe the situation. While he doesn't care about fancy wedding dresses, flowers or decoration, he'd allow you to spam him with images so you'd be happy. But apparently, it is not enough for you.

You have come to a stand, hands now crossed across your chest and eyes as cold as ice. "You're so much like your father."

That's all you say, in a low and bitter voice, and yet those few words have more impact on Chishiya than the rest of this conversation. He clearly is not like his father, and you are perfectly aware that what you said affects him deeply.

He stiffens and holds your gaze with the same fierceness. "Am I, now? I recall you saying that you really hated my father."Which is fine, for the record. He despises that man, too, for more reasons than he ever told you.

"He's not really a likeable man", you admit with a tremble, probably realizing that you have gone too far.

Breathing out audibly, Chishiya gets up from the couch and reaches for his jacket. This is not the place he wants to be in right now – he needs space to clear his mind. "If you despise him so much and we're the same, I don't understand why you're still here."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now