La Maison du Chocolat

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This one was a commissioned Oneshot about a reader with ADHS. I tried my best to keep it authentic (:


No matter how different books are, they always cause the very same feeling. Their smell, the sound of rustling pages, the weight in your hands – it is familiar and welcoming, inviting you to escape this noisy, confusing world outside. You can allow someone else to take you on an adventure with them, be it something exciting or dangerous or romantic. All you have to do is stick to the protagonist and watch how things unfold, with no need to make any moves or decisions yourself.

And most importantly: those protagonists don't scold you for placing the book down mid-sentence, during a huge fight, not finishing an important business. They won't be mad at you if you pick up another book instead, forgetting about the first one for weeks until you find it again in the pile of promising stories on your nightstand.

Book stores are a wonderful place as well, because it is completely valid here to skip pages and read a couple of sentences until you move on to another book that looks as if it contains a good story, or to simply watch the covers and admire the art on them. It is usually quite silent since people are minding their own business and if they talk, it's mostly a low murmur, with no loud shouts or music distracting you.

This time, only the sound of your phone brings you back to reality, causing you to close the book you're currently holding and drop it onto the table next to you.

The image on the screen shows a certain blonde, and just like always, you try not to get lost in the dark eyes of his. You would have stared at them for hours, completely ignoring the jingle, if it wasn't for an elderly lady throwing dark glances at you because your phone keeps interrupting the silence.

"Oh, hi?" you eventually whisper, taking the call.

Chishiya sighs on the other side of the line. "Care to tell me what happened to the living room?"

"The living-?" It's typical for Chishiya to skip any kind of formalities and go straight for the important part, but it also confuses you for a moment because you take a while to understand. And once you do, you swallow down the urge to hit your face against the book shelf closest to you.

"Ohhh..." you answer, trying to explain, "I-... You see, I wanted to clean the living room. See if I could tidy out some things. And when I got to the big cabinet, I found all the old photo albums that we never fully organized."

You can imagine Chishiya standing there, between dozens of opened albums and at least a hundred photos flying around loosely because they have never been stuck in correctly.

The blonde snorts, not at all convinced by your story. "Well, if you intended to organize them, you failed."

"I... I wasn't finished yet! You see, the piles do have a meaning. Childhood photos from you, childhood photos from me, vacations, everything's sorted. But neither did we have enough albums to put them in correctly, nor was there any tape left."

"So you went for some tape shopping."

You look around the store, shrugging sheepishly although Chishiya can't see it. "Yeah... no. I wanted to go to Marunouchi, but there was this little book store on the way to the Metro station..." The shopping mall isn't exactly close to your home, and all these books almost shouted at you to stop here, looking much more inviting than something several blocks away. "Did you know they already have the newest release of that one manga you used to read?"

It must sound weird to Chishiya. You messed up the entire flat because you completely got lost in skimming through old memories, and now you're admiring book covers and beautiful protagonist names, having entirely forgotten about the albums. But the truth is that the photos were interesting as long as you sat there, surrounded by them, and now that they're out of sight, they have been replaced by fantasy novels and mangas and whatnot.

Through the phone, you can hear the rustling of paper, as if Chishiya is tidying up the piles so he can at least halfway move through the living room. "I'm not reading much lately", he mutters, "but are you still going to get that tape? Or can I put this mess back into the shelf where it belongs?"

What a shame it'd be if all the work you already put into organizing the photos was for nothing. It took at least two hours to inspect all the photos and find a good way to sort them, and if Chishiya put them back now, you would have to start all over again.

On the other side, the shop is still quite the distance to walk, and it's getting late... You don't know if you could still find the motivation to finish this today. "Maybe I can do it tomorrow", you propose, knowing full well that it might take months to find the needed motivation for this again.

Chishiya knows that, you can hear it in his sigh. "Marunouchi, you say? Might be worth going there now and stopping at La Maison du Chocolat. As far as I know, they're closed tomorrow."

You inhale sharply. That's the chocolatiere selling the best macarons and pralines all throughout Tokyo, and they also have a splendid choice of pastries. A bit more expensive than what you can buy in any normal grocery, but the taste is so worth it! They close early in the evening, but if you hurry, you can still make it in time.

"Bring some crispy pralines", Chishiya requests. "Oh, and- " he's calling your name just as you want to hang up the phone, "- don't forget your albums and tapes."

With the image of mouth-watering confectioneries in your mind, you quickly put away the books you had been looking at, still being glared at by the old lady who obviously doesn't approve of phone calls. As if you had been in a library!

You leave the book store and head to Marunouchi district. Yuurakuchou station is only a few stops from the closest subway entrance, and the train isn't as crowded as you feared it would be. Sure, there's no seat left during rush hour, but at least you're not pressed against some sweaty, smoke-covered stranger this time. Public transport is a blessing until you meet the most disheveled residents of Tokyo, although none of them seem to be in your train now. Instead you notice a woman having a conversation with a friend, and while you don't get most of what they're talking about, her voice is so calm and soothing that you could have listened to it for hours. You wonder if she knows about that, if she works as something that requires usage of her voice or if she isn't aware at all. It's so mesmerizing that you would have almost missed your stop, and you rush out of the train just before the doors close again.

From Yuurakuchou, it is just a few minutes walk until you reach the chocolatiere. A chocolate-colored front greets you, and the smell inside is so sweet that it feels as if you've already eaten a ton of sweets only by breathing in. Wonderful.

An entire wonderland of macarons, éclairs, mousse cakes, pralines, truffles and so much more greets you. Heart-shaped gift boxes filled with the most soul-warming treats, and dark chocolate as well as nut mixes or ones containing alcohol. They even have fruit bars for those who don't want the rich chocolate taste, but today, you're here for the full experience.

The nearing closing time is a reminder for you not to get lost in between all the stuff, and you make sure to grab Chishiya's crispy pralines and the pastries you love so much before anyone can throw you out the store. You can't leave without buying a handful of other things though, because they look so promising that you have to try them. It will be a blast to eat them together with Chishiya on the sofa tonight.

Hands full of sweets and one bonbon already in your mouth, you make your way back to the subway station when your phone beeps, indicating a message has come from your blonde.

You switch all bags to one hand so the other can take out the phone, and you laugh out loud when you read the words on the screen.

'Albums and tape. Don't forget.'

Chishiya knows you so well, it's almost scary. The pastries have been your motivation to actually go to Marunouchi, and now you would have almost left without the things you intended to buy in the first place.

Still laughing, you turn on your heels and search for the shopping mall that sells the photo tape and the albums. How embarrassing it'd be to get home without them and being mocked by Chishiya. But he's already fully aware; otherwise he wouldn't have sent you a reminder with perfect timing.

Oh, how good it is to have a boyfriend like Chishiya Shuntarou.

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