Not Like the Others

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[Req.: "Can you please do one with a asexual reader ( chishiya reaction ) asexual means little to no sexual attraction"]


This day can't get worse.

You have thought that multiple times already, and yet it got worse again and again.

The day at the Beach had been annoying, the game you had to play wasn't any better. And now, while a cold drizzle is falling from the sky, the car has broken down in the middle of nowhere, forcing you to walk all the way back to the Beach.

You kick away an empty can that has somehow made its way onto the highway uttering a curse, and the noise echoes through the empty city, although it's muffled by the rain.

Chishiya huffs next to you. You have been walking in silence for some time now, too annoyed by the weather and the overall circumstances to try and talk to him, but as you turn your head towards the mysterious blonde, you see a smirk on his lips. He's making fun of you.

"Cursing won't help you get back faster", he says with a chuckle.

You snort. "Who said I want to get back to the Beach?"

There has rarely been a more bothersome place with all the drunken people, the groping and molesting. Sure, a small group of nice players is different, but even when you're with them, you're not safe from the assholes. "...those idiots are everywhere."

Leaving the Beach is impossible, you know that. While you could try and run away now, someone would notice. Maybe Chishiya as an executive would tell Hatter, since he doesn't care enough about you to lie for you. Hatter himself has made clear that once you try to leave the Beach, you'll die. Not exactly worth looking forward to.

"Aren't you annoyed by all the harassing too?"

In the darkness around you, you barely see how Chishiya shrugs. "Not as long as it doesn't affect me."

Maybe that's the advantage of being an executive? Maybe people are too afraid to approach Chishiya because he has more power than most others. He's good looking, so you're sure that the issue is not a lack of interest, but he's also kind of unapproachable. A loner, living mostly for himself. You barely see him around, and when he hides, he can't be bothered. Although hiding is not what you want. The company of your friends is nice, and you wouldn't want to miss that...

A gust of wind makes you shudder, and the rain has now completely soaked your clothes. Never before have you been in such a great need for a hot shower. "I could pin a sign with 'ACE' on my forehead and people still wouldn't know when to leave me alone". It's impossible to hide the bitterness in your voice.

Chishiya hums. "Ace..."

Before you joined the Beach, you had thought that society is now ready enough for this topic, but the Beach has taught you otherwise. Barely anyone there knows a thing about asexuality, and the ones who do have a completely wrong image of what it actually is, and you've grown so tired of explaining it again and again and again. You sigh internally as you take a deep breath and ready yourself to explain it to Chishiya as well, but he quickly interrupts you.

"I know what ace means."

Slightly surprised, you slow down your pace for a moment, only to notice that Chishiya won't do the same. Now that you think about it, you can't remember seeing him flirting or engaging with someone in that matter before. No hugs, no kisses, no murmurs about nightly visits in his room. He barely seems to have contact with anyone in general, so maybe he's simply unsociable. You wouldn't be surprised though if... "Are you ace too...?"

A dog barks in the distance, the sudden sound making you jump. Chishiya, however, seems unfazed by everything.

"I never cared to put myself into a category", he mutters after a while. "There doesn't need to be a name for what I am, since it shouldn't matter to anyone except me."

"Sure. But I barely have another choice than to make it clear when people just won't stop to assume I'm like them. They somehow believe that everyone joining the Beach is searching for fun by hooking up with each other. They are unable to accept that I'm simply there because..."

"Because of the food and showers?" Chishiya finishes your sentence with a chuckle, and it makes you grin as well. When you had been offered to join, all you had thought about was the safety and luxury it granted compared to the life you've had before. It hadn't been the drugs or the sex convincing you, but the prospect of not having to starve.

You tuck your hands into the pockets, but it's no use. Everything is already soaked, and there's no way to keep you warm or dry anymore. At least the lights from the Beach are getting in sight, and you hope that it won't take longer than another half an hour to reach it.

Chishiya falls back into silence, and neither of you says a word until you cross the bridge leading to the hotel. The music already reaches your ear together with the laughter of partying people despite the late time, reminding you that you don't really want to get back to what comes along with that.

At least you've spent an hour walking through the rain, complaining about the weather and people not valuing your privacy to a person you rarely talked to before.

"You must think I'm weird", you mutter when you reach the hotel entrance.

The way Chishiya huffs next to you makes you wonder if that's a confirmation or not, and there's nothing but his typical smirk when you search for his face. "Hard to tell after a few minutes' talk", he answers with another shrug, "but you seem to be more reasonable than most other people here. You survived tonight's game, after all."

Giving you a wave, he disappears up the stairs without any further comment, leaving you with a grin on your face. Maybe you're not that weird to him at all. It's good to know that he's one of the few people who might understand what's going on inside of you without judging. And you hope that one day, the rest of the Beach will understand that too.

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