Little Miss

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[Req.:"Hello there lovely author! I have a request and although it isn't on the prompts list (sorry about that) I think it's quite cute. Okay, so you've written about how if reader and Chishiya had a child but what if the child is a bit grown up now and is in primary school and the day comes when the child tells reader and Chishiya that like in a couple of days its when the child's parents come to school and talk about their occupation and stuff. I feel like Chishiya would be hesistant for a while but then he realizes when reader reminds him that their child deserves to have both of his parents there in school for that day and finally agrees. I apologize if this was a bit too long! Stay hydrated and take your time!<3"]


When Chishiya first sees the invitation for parent's day, he quickly shoves it across the table without second thought. This will just be one of those days where moms talk with other moms about the progress of their children, and Chishiya is sure he'd feel pretty much misplaced there.

Only when you stop talking about the old friends you met in the grocery store, he lifts his eyes from the newspaper, staring straight into a couple of narrowed eyes clearly judging him.

"What?" he mutters, and the brow of you facing him only wanders higher. Chishiya knows that look, and he clearly despises it. It's one of those moments where you already have an argument he can't disagree to, and you probably have long prepared this conversation while he's being thrown into the cold water.

Sipping on your cup of coffee, you move the invitation back to him with your delicate fingers. "Don't even try to wind yourself out of this. We're going there together."

With a grunt, Chishiya tries to find something very interesting in the paper in front of him, but there's nothing. Instead, you simply continue to talk, unfazed and confident as ever. You know this is a fight he can't win.

"I remember someone saying he didn't want kids because he was afraid he'd end up exactly like his father. Well, your dad wouldn't have accompanied you to such a parent's day."

There it is. Comparing him with his own father when it's about his child is probably the worst but at the same time the most effective thing to do. "What makes you so sure she even wants me to come?"

You chuckle, and at the same time, Chishiya can hear a horde of elephants stomping down the staircase. Turns out to be just a single six-year-old, still in her pajamas and hair unkempt, but with the biggest smile that such a tiny face can carry.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" with a force similar to the elephant horde, the girl throws herself into his arms, unmindful of anything standing in her way. "You're coming today, right? Right? I can't wait to indoduce you to all my friends!"

Chishiya doesn't want to turn his eyes to you. But your victorious grin can't be avoided, and he ends up muttering a sigh into the unkempt hair of his daughter.

"Yes. Yes, I'll be there."


It is exactly what he imagined. The children are playing together most of the time, and the women have gathered together, talking about teachers and subjects and swimming lessons and whose child can already write a three-word-sentence. He can't see many other fathers, but at least their topics are a bit more bearable. Most of the time it's not even beer or football, and he manages to engage two others in a conversation about surgery.

At some point, his daughter comes running towards him, still the same bright smile on her face that hasn't vanished since the morning. Her mouth is smeared with chocolate, and Chishiya has no doubt that at least half of the chocolate muffins have been eaten by this girl alone. How she still manages to be as thin as a rake is a mystery to him.

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