Never Again

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You're trembling all the way back to your room. The hoodie Chishiya gave you is warm, but it still isn't enough to chase away the cold that has spread throughout your whole body. Never before have you felt so vulnerable. Exposed.

Again and again do you throw a nervous glance over your shoulder to see if anyone is following you. If Niragi is following you. But there's just you and Chishiya, whose expression is as grim as you feel.

Finally, the door falls shut behind you and you hear the rattling of the chain lock. You're safe, for now. So why won't the trembling stop?

You drop down on the bed and wrap yourself in the bedspread to cover every last part of your body. Too much of it has been exposed today.

We'll have fun, you and me! You won't stop dreaming about this once we're done.

That monster has been right – you definitely won't stop having nightmares about this wrecked man for a while. The sob escapes your mouth before you can do anything against it, and more follow quickly.

"Shhh." Chishiya sits down behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. For a single moment, you want to push him away, afraid that every touch will bring back the memories. But the blanket still covering you softens his touch, and it's Chishiya after all. Everything about him is different – he is not Niragi.

Feeling as safe as you can in this moment, you allow yourself to finally break down. All the emotions you have suppressed during the last hour, the pain, the anger, most of all the fear hit you with such a power now that you feel like falling endlessly into a pitch black hole, not being able to escape it ever again.

Why you? Since your first day on the Beach, you have never been worth Niragi's attention. What made that change now?

Tell your boyfriend just how much fun we've had, yes?

Maybe you're just a means to an end after all. Chishiya's weak spot; an easy way to hurt him. Successful, as it seems.

You don't dare to think about what would have happened if Chishiya hadn't come to rescue you in time. The pain of all the scratches and bite marks all over your chest are enough already. They will take time to heal, forcing you to look at them every day, and Chishiya as well.

Speaking of whom, he hasn't spoken a word since you escaped Niragi's room. He's probably as miserable as you, only in a different way. Most likely he's angry at himself for not coming to your aid sooner; angry that you had to go through this simply because he and Niragi feel such a deep hate for each other.

"Thank you", you whisper when the sobbing has ceased and your breathing goes more normal again. His body tenses and he wraps his arms around you more tightly.

"This shouldn't have happened at all", he says with a pressed voice, and you shift slightly so you can lean your head against his chest.

"It's not your fault."

Well, maybe it is somehow, but it's not that Chishiya wanted you to get hurt. It's the least thing he'd want for you. Judging by his snort, he doesn't agree but won't argue with you. Slowly warming up, you notice the blood still on your skin, and you feel stained. So incredibly stained.

As if Chishiya has been able to read your mind, he removes his arms and runs his fingers through your hair instead. "Do you want to take a shower?"

You nod. "I want it to last for the rest of my life." Will you feel better after that, or will the stains remain on your body, invisible to others but painfully obvious to you?

Chishiya helps you to get up, but he keeps the blanket around your shoulders. For someone so indifferent to other people's emotions, he knows exactly what you need right now. Your legs still feel like pudding, and you're glad that strong arms are guiding you towards the shower slowly and carefully.

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