Deliberately Slow (NSFW)

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Another one for XiuminsMarshmallow5!

You know the drill by now, minors. I clearly warned you that this is not suited for underage readers. (Yes. I'm aware that most of you won't give a damn about this. Just don't tell your parents, okay?)


One last look into the mirror to check that everything was the way you wanted it to be: lingerie of its finest - teasing strings that barely hid anything and yet promised to unveil a delightful view, and a fitting bra that suit your figure better than anything other you had ever worn.

It had taken you over an hour to choose this exact outfit, and you wouldn't talk about the money you left in the lingerie store that day. But you felt more than sexy as you watched yourself move in slow and deliberate turns, and there was no way Chishiya couldn't feel it too.

"They didn't have Saba this time, so I ordered Tako Sashimi instead", you heard Chishiya say through the half-closed door, and you knew he was sitting on the sofa, phone in his hands and waiting for you to return from the bathroom. "Thirty minutes with the current traffic."

Ordering food had been your idea, since cooking a full meal would have been difficult with your plans for today. And Chishiya had decided on Sushi, so you had told him to place the order already while you would refresh yourself in the bathroom. What he didn't know though, was that you had quickly changed your casual clothes into those more than alluring pieces to surprise him and bring some fresh air into your relationship. Not that it would be boring – not at all! – but it could never be bad to have some surprises now and then, right?

"Tako will do", you grinned as you reached for the handle, barely caring about the kind of food you'd eat later. There were more important things for now.

Just as you had predicted, Chishiya threw a quick glance over his shoulder once you emerged from the bathroom, most likely to check what had taken you so long inside. You closely watched his reaction, especially his eyes, to see if there was any response to your outfit. This man was hard to read and didn't give away his emotions and thoughts so easily, however you knew better than anyone else that he did have emotions underneath the seemingly unbreakable walls.

Chishiya gave you a single raised brow and quickly scanned you from head to toe for a mere second before turning back to whatever he had been doing the moment before, causing you to snort loud enough for him to hear. It wasn't surprising that he did this; however you felt a twinge of disappointment that there didn't seem any interest at all.

But you wouldn't be in a relationship with a man like Chishiya Shuntarou if you gave up that easily. Making sure your hips were swinging the way you had practiced in front of the mirror, you circled the sofa until you stood right in front of the blonde and threw your hair over your shoulder in a way you knew would look absolutely stunning.

"And here I thought you'd pretty much enjoy this", you purred and leant forward so he'd have a wonderful view right at your décolleté, and Chishiya's lips remained in his usual smirk as he shifted into another position.

You knew him well enough to be sure now that his disinterest was only a game, and you were ready to play along with your own rules.

Chishiya hummed, looking right at the lingerie but not showing a single reaction in his face. "We'll have dinner soon. And I don't want to hear your complaints for the rest of this night when we miss the delivery man."

"As if this would take half an hour!" with a laugh, you moved your upper body to underline what exactly you meant with this. "But..." you leant back again, "I can change back into other clothes if you really don't want to. An oversize sweater maybe, and some baggy pants..."

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