The End Of A Journey

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I am sorry if this isn't the update you have waited for, but there won't be any new oneshots. I've written so many over the last two years, and even when I decided to make them paid ones, you still kept supporting me. Thank you so much for that!
It has been a pleasure to write all your ideas, but now the time has come to move on. I'll now focus on my next book, which will be a dark fantasy story and I'm already so excited about it! But since my free time is already very limited due to a now almost walking toddler, the oneshots would distract me too much. Besides, at some point everything has been written down in a limited world like the Borderlands universe.
Your comments and votes have meant the world to me! Posting a new chapter was always such a joy, please know that I am so very grateful for the sweet things you said 💚
Maybe I'll see some of you once the next chapter of "King of Diamonds" is out. For the others, I hope you're having a wonderful time and keep pursuing your dreams, no matter what others might tell you. It'll be worth it ~


Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now