Far Beyond Reason

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[Req.: ""nobody flirts/cheats more than married doctors inside a hospital" that's what you constantly hear from friends, family and social media, somehow getting to your head eventually and making you confused and uneasy over time, even though you would never doubt chishiya. Genre can be fluff? angst? suggestive? humor? It's up to you what you do with that imagine ✨"]


You never doubted Chishiya. For years, you had been entirely sure that he'd never look after another woman, no matter how beautiful or sexy. And when someone tried to flirt with him, he never reacted. He stayed cool all the time, obviously not interested in anyone other than you.

Especially after your marriage, when you wore the ring to make it more clear (Chishiya didn't wear it most of the time because of his work), there was not a single reason to worry. You were his, and he was yours. For the rest of your life.

Things slowly changed after a while. People asked you if you had grown bored of married life already, or if Chishiya was already showing signs of unhappiness. Friends sent you posts on Instagram and Facebook showing statistics that doctors were the most likely to cheat and flirt with strangers despite being in a relationship, and while you could ignore that at first, it slowly burnt into your mind deeper every time someone mentioned it to you.

Chishiya wouldn't flirt with someone else. He wasn't interested in other women.

But what if...? As a surgeon, there was a certain intimacy to his patients. There would be occasions where he'd see women naked or barely dressed, would touch them, no matter if they were conscious or not. People would be grateful for what he did, probably saving the life of someone they loved, and gift him things or search ways to show him their gratitude.

When meeting hundreds of new people each day, wasn't there a chance that he'd meet one he'd actually find attractive at some point?

You remember one of the first times you had visited the hospital, mostly to pick Chishiya up after work, and there had been that one assistant openly flirting with him so heavily it actually got annoying pretty quick. And it had happened again some weeks after, with another doctor. Chishiya sometimes even tells you about coworkers challenging each other with the highest amount of dates or one night stands and all that stuff, which he finds ridiculous. At least that is what he tells you.

Then again, the other men won't get home to their wives and tell them about their adventures at work, would they?

How many of the others are married after all? That's another thing you have quickly learned once you'd been in a relationship with Chishiya – doctors, surgeons, nurses... they all don't have much time for any kinds of private life and most of them don't even bother to keep a relationship running. It has been hard for you too, with all his extra hours and additional shifts on weekends, on holidays and even night shifts, but now that doesn't really bother you anymore. You have found a good way to deal with that, and Chishiya still gives you the amount of attention you need when he's at home. Sure, you won't deny that it could be more – but you should have married someone other than Chishiya if that's what you really want.

Everything would be fine about that, since you're really happy with your marriage, if only there weren't these tiny little doubts nagging at the corners of your mind, whispering to you that Chishiya might be flirting with some beautiful patient right now while you're sitting on the couch all alone. That he might touch someone else and enjoy it more than being with you, and that one day, he won't come home. That he'll lie to you, pretending to work while he's secretly meeting with strangers, affairs, dates.

It's hilarious! Chishiya would never do that. He's not like the others, in so many ways, which is partly good and partly annoying. He wouldn't cheat on you. He wouldn't...

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