The Truth That Couldn't Be Denied - Part I

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Mel_Mio once more commissioned me to write the following idea:

"What if Chishiya returns to the real world after the events of CiaD and HLiF, and he does remember y/n, but y/n doesn't remember him?"

So here's part I, and part II will follow!


Soul mates, fairy tale romances, lovers for life. Things little children dream about in their glittering dresses, while wearing plastic crowns and watching Barbie movies where people always have their happy endings.

Those dreamers have yet to wake up, and it will happen eventually once they have to face the real world outside of their hope-filled bedrooms.

Chishiya Shuntarou never actually got the chance to dream such dreams. And yet he had found a person to reach through all the walls he built throughout the years, in a world full of death and cruelty. Never would he have thought to find you in the Borderlands – he never wanted to find someone at all. You had been no one to him at first, and up to this day, he couldn't tell how you had managed to change that. The truth was, though: you had.

You had taught him that his heart was not only there to pump blood through his body, but that it could actually make him feel something. Up to this day, he refused to call it love. But whatever it was, it was there. And that he could not deny.

At night, he lay wide awake in his hospital bed, listening to Niragi's rattling breaths. They both should be dead now, yet somehow they had managed to survive even the most severe injuries after trying to kill each other. Still, Niragi didn't remember him for some reason. He didn't remember anything about the Borderlands, about the games or how his whole body had been burnt in the fire of judgment.

Chishiya on the other side remembered everything, from the shooting between him, Niragi and Arisu, how he had caught the bullet that had been meant for Usagi and how you, the stubborn woman he came to like had kept talking to prevent him from succumbing to death. Chishiya remembered how you had told him hundreds of times how much you loved him, and how you had revealed memories about your childhood and whatnot. He didn't recall most of it because the pain had prevented him from listening too closely, but your voice had kept him alive. This thought alone sounded so cheesy that Chishiya had to snort, and never would he speak it out loud to anyone.

Impatiently, he had waited for the day of his discharge, because he wanted to find you and see how much you remembered. Chishiya was sure that she shouldn't remember anything about what happened. He had been supposed to lie there just like Niragi and believe that they all had suffered a one-minute cardiac arrest because of a comet crashing down on Shibuya; nothing more. It could be assumed that you didn't remember him too – a thought that Chishiya didn't approve of.

"Allowed to go home already? Lucky bastard", Niragi laughed as Chishiya switched the hospital gowns for his normal clothes. Home. He had a certain image in his mind when thinking about home, but it wasn't the place he lived at.

A tiny paper note was resting in one of the pockets, and Chishiya touched it with his hand. He knew exactly what stood on it, without even looking. It was your name, written by his own hands. You had a note as well, only that yours had a university on it instead of a name. While you had promised to find him in the real world, Chishiya hadn't wanted to make it too easy for you by just giving you his full name. But if you didn't remember him at all, you wouldn't fulfill that promise anyway. You'd probably look at the note and throw it away since it had no meaning to you.

It was annoying, but the fact that you wouldn't come for him meant that Chishiya had to find you instead. He could simply continue his bleak life, of course. Go back to being a medical student, in a world where money ruled even inside a hospital, and shake his head over all the pathetic human beings he observed. Although the Borderlands had taught him that there was a different option, one that came along with you. An option that didn't make him feel so empty and hollow.

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