Talking at Cross Purposes

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[Req. by Nuggetninja360: "I was wondering if you could do a one shot wherethe MC is obsessed with him and he acts like he doesn't like it but secretlyadores her attention and then arisu confesses his love to her and she tries togive him a chance as she thinks she has no chance with chishya and when henotices what's going on he tries to win her affection back (which the MC morethan happy about giving back ) .I feel like you'd write it perfectly eventhough I explained it a little all over the place lol"


"im not sure if you're accepting requests again but if yes, im thinking of something where bubbly and funny y/n has a crush on chishiya but he gets kinda annoyed of her and wants to get rid of her. tho y/n pushes thru it and chishiya kinda starts to like it but wont show her. then at one point y/n starts getting close to another guy who is similar to her so they kinda have the same vibes and chishiya gets worried and jealous bc she might not like him anymore (bc now he also likes her)]


"What about a hug? Just a single one?"

You don't even expect Chishiya to answer. He just eyes you with an expression that can't decide between being annoyed and fascinated by your never-ending attempts to approach this man. You don't remember when that interest has begun to grow inside of you; all you know is that it won't leave and that you're still trying to get closer to him.

This would have been much easier with anyone else than Chishiya of course, but that's part of the challenge, right?

He will never approach you on his own, that's simply not who he is. He never approaches anyone in the Beach, so if you want his attention, you have to go for it. What's hard though is to find the golden middle between being too clingy and too distant, and you usually accept defeat for the rest of the day when he declines one of your offers.

You've had him far enough for some private talks already, even sharing bits of personal information, but that's it. What you're aiming for now is something more... physical, like a hug or maybe even a kiss. A sign that what you do actually gets you somewhere.

However now that Chishiya is shaking his head and leaving the parlor, it feels more as if you're running in circles. You think about following him, but not to ask for another hug. No, he's probably heading for Kuina, and since you're friends with Kuina as well, you spend quite a lot of time together with her and Chishiya. It is something different though if you're alone or together with her. Kuina knows of your interest in the blond-haired man, and she usually tries to force certain interactions between the two of you. Not that you dislike it completely, but that's what it is – forced. Of course Chishiya doesn't react too happy whenever Kuina tries to make you two cuddle or anything.

That's why you do your best to approach him when she's not there, as like now. Chishiya, though, is not in the mood for a hug or even a private talk, and you watch his back until he disappears up the staircase. Yes... definitely running in circles.

It's slowly getting exhausting to a point that makes you think about giving up. Usually that's something you don't do, since you're a fighter and used to achieving what you want if only you try hard enough. Maybe Chishiya is a bit too hard of a nut to crack, even for you.

With a long sigh, you lean back against the wall. The weather is still quite nice outside, maybe you should go there and bathe a bit more in the sun before you actually go to Kuina. Get some space between you and Chishiya, and a possibility to clear your thoughts. There's a bar outside, allowing you to jump onto one of the bar stools and ordering a random cocktail in the warm sunlight. They usually taste the same anyway since the Beach doesn't have too many options besides alcohol, but it's drinkable.

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