Kitten Rescue

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[Req.: "Could I request Chishiya's s/o finding a small kitten in a game area and placing it in the hood of Chishiya's jacket, you know for safety reasons so it doesn't wander off and gets killed by a laser ;) I leave it up to you if s/o tries to keep the cat or if they find the mother. I just imagined Chishiya with a cute little kitten in his hoodie and it would probably look super adorable ^^"]


You wouldn't have heard it if it wasn't for that trap. That one mistake, made by one of the other players that lead to their immediate death, was the reason for all of you to hold your breaths, turning the whole area into a field of silence.

And there it was. Feint, tentative. Lonely.

Neither the pair of questioning eyes nor the touch on your shoulder could hold you back. In the same moment you heard the sound, your feet started to move all on their own. It was a desperate call, and it was calling for you.

You found it in a dark corner, right next to a long activated trap. All alone.

A small kitten, just old enough to have opened it eyes, soft fur in not only three, but four different colors. Black spots around the eyes, white nose and paws, red and brown streaks all over the body. Well, it wasn't exactly alone, but it had been the only one spared by the trap.

"Poor little thing!" you mumbled as you knelt down and reached for the little ball of floof, engulfing it in your hands while it meowed longingly. It was most likely crying for milk, not able to understand why its mother wouldn't answer its call.

Despite the circumstances, your lips turned into a smile while your thumb moved over the soft head of the kitten, and you turned around to the others just in time to see Chishiya in front of you. The questioning look had left his eyes, being replaced by a disapproving frown. It took him less than a second to observe the situation around you.

"We need to go. Leave it here; it has no chance to survive anyway."

You didn't expect him to care or to understand what you were doing, and he would never approve of your plan, but it was still Chishiya. He wouldn't say no to something you wanted that dearly.

He probably could sense already that something was going on judging by the grin on your face and the fact that you showed no attention of placing the kitten down again. Instead you walked up to him and held the kitten so close to him that he wrinkled his nose, tickled by the fur.

"No way I'd leave her here. She needs us!"

Chishiya rolled his eyes and the kitten answered with another meow, louder and more demanding this time. "When had you time to check its gender?"

Planting a kiss on the kitten's nose, you walked around Chishiya until you were facing his back. "I didn't. But she looks like a girl. And she needs me."

Before he could even react, you placed the kitten inside his pulled-back hood and arranged it in a way that would be most comfortable for the kitten. It started to purr immediately, comforted by the sudden warmth that probably reminded it of its mother.

"Oh no. That is not going to happen." Chishiya lifted his hands to his hood, most likely to take the kitten out again, but he was stopped right away by a desperate sound from the inside of his hood. He sighed and shook his head, walking back towards the center of the game and pulling you with him.

You placed a kiss onto his cheek while you were still far enough away from the others. "It already is!"

No one questioned the presence of that kitten inside Chishiya's hood. The others probably didn't even notice, since it was small enough to be perfectly hidden between all that hair and fabric and the game's sounds became loud enough to drown its purrs and occasional meows.

The hood turned out to be the perfect place, since all of you needed your hands to clear the game and any other option would have either hurt the kitten or yourself. Chishiya didn't complain verbally, although you could see in his eyes that he didn't approve at all.

Once in a while you would walk up to him, stop him by grabbing his shoulders and throw a look into the hood to see if the kitten was alright. Every time you did it would lift its head to lick your hand and then continue to purr. It was absolutely adorable.

And when you sat in the car, tired from the game and looking forward a well-deserved rest back in the beach, he did not hesitate to take the meowing fur ball out of his hood and placed it in your lap, where you immediately started to pet it.

"Look at how cute she is! Don't you like her?" You rested your head against his shoulder, leaning into the touch of his hand as he started to caress your hair.

"I dislike animals", he murmured, but the way he peeked to the kitten in your lap, you knew it wasn't the whole truth. And when some minutes had passed, his hand even moved from your head to the cat and hesitantly patted its small head. He wanted to retread his hand the moment a scratchy tongue started to lick his finger, but he didn't.

You turned your head to look into his eyes and had to smile at the sudden warmth you saw in them. "We're going to keep her, right?"

He exhaled a grunt, but it was only half-heartedly. "How are you going to keep a kitten inside the Beach?"

"Oh, I'm sure Hatter will love her!"

You only hoped that Chishiya wouldn't mind sharing his bed with just another female non-stop asking for cuddles and affection.

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now