Strength Lies in Honesty

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[Req.: "Hi!! I absolutely love your fics! I sort of have no idea how I want this request to go so I'm just gonna give a brief summary and let you take it from there.

So let's say that the reader may have gotten seriously injured during a game but she hadn't told Chishiya about it.

That's all I can really think of 😭 I'm excited to see what you'll do with this!! <3"]


It was just a simple game. Nothing to worry about, nothing too extraordinary. You have played worse challenges before, and the mere idea of getting hurt in such a game would be laughable. Chishiya would mock you for it, at least.

And it's nothing more than a little wound, not even bleeding too heavily. Therefore you decide that you won't need the help of An or one of her assistants while waiting for the car to arrive back at the Beach. Sure, the cut hurts, the pain is nasty and your favorite shirt is now soaked in blood. But it's not that bad. No need to tell Chishiya after all.

He would tease you with it for days. Sure, he'd properly take care of that wound, but you wouldn't be able to spend a single day without a mocking comment. That someone as capable as you could get hurt in such a game.

No, you won't tell him. He doesn't need to know everything.

Since it's always quite late after a game, most of the players have retreated to their rooms already, and you manage to sneak into the infirmary without anyone noticing. Getting off your shirt is not easy at all with all the blood and the pain still throbbing in your side, but you manage somehow. It's a stab wound, not too tall but it still looks nasty. The edge of the knife hurting you has been serrated, and those are the worst.

In the dim light, you search for disinfectant and proper tools to clean and bandage the wound. Luckily it's located somewhere not that obvious, and when you make sure to always wear a light jacket, no one should notice. Especially not Chishiya.

You feel slightly dizzy when you step out of the infirmary, probably because the game has taken long and it's been a while since you've last eaten something. No blood is visible any longer and you have discarded the blood-stained shirt and grabbed a clean jacket from the clothes closet next to the infirmary, so you're free to stop at the kitchen and grab something edible to ease your hunger.

Chishiya doesn't notice the injury. When you enter the room, he doesn't even take much notice of you at all, too focused on whatever he's doing. You give him a short greeting and hurry into the bathroom to wash away the sweat from your body. Taking a shower wouldn't be the best idea with the fresh bandage, but a washing cloth will do as well. Only that you have to sit down on the rim of the bathtub because the world simply won't stop turning around, even though you have eaten a snack by now. Maybe all you need is sleep and rest. Yes, that must be it.


It does get better during the next days. Sure, the pain is still there, accompanying you with every step you take, however this is something you can get used to. Just a handful of days more and the wound will have healed. As soon as you're due for the next game, you should definitely be ready for it. You might be a bit more tired than usual, paler according to some of your friends, but nothing too serious.

That's what you want to believe, of course. The truth is that you feel dizzy during all times of day, and the slightest touch on your skin, even if it's not directly at the wound, feels like fire. You don't even dare to take a look at the injury. It has to heal. It can't get worse! Because the latter would mean that you'd have to tell someone, and Chishiya would notice.

He already gives you weird looks whenever you concentrate over a new wave of pain or when you get up and tumble for a moment to regain your balance. And this day, he seems to have enough of your secrets and weird behavior.

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