Swimming Lessons

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[Req.: "Hii again, my other idea was inspired by CiaD's pool scene 🏊‍♂️ what if you have to play a game that involves a lot of water and swimming. Chishiya is relieved at the game's rules and he doesn't have to worry about you as he knows it will be easy peasy lemon squeezy, because your specialty is spades anyway. Little does he know that you never learned how to swim when you were little, and you almost drowned in that game. Sooo back at the Beach he feels like he is obliged to teach you how to swim (when no one is around), although you are super embarrassed. In the end, you learn how to swim, but at what cost? Thank youuuu in advance ❤️ Take care of yourself ✨"]


Every person has had a sense of foreboding somewhen in their life. Watching a movie scene unfold and knowing that it won't end well, listening to a conversation between two people with the feeling that one of them will be hurt in the end... People watch a child running along the street and know it will fall down and hurt its knee long before it happens.

You have experienced it too, many times already. This uncertain feeling in your guts, telling you that something will go wrong. It didn't always have a connection to you, but it got worse once you arrived in the Borderlands. Much worse.

Now that you're on your way to the next game, you feel it again. The hint of uncertainty, the knowledge that something will go wrong. So far you can't tell if it will affect one of the players around you or if it's about you this time, but it is enough to make you uneasy. And when the feeling doesn't leave once the game difficulty is revealed as Spades, you know it has to be serious.

As a Spades player, physical games have never been much of a challenge to you. No matter if it is about running or defeating other players, if you're required to climb a tall building or solve a parcour, it has never been too hard for you. That's why no one around you is as worried about the game as you are – they all have faith in your abilities and believe that it will help them survive as well. They're fools.

Well, all except Chishiya. You'd never call him a fool; more a valuable ally within the Beach whose opinion means a lot to you, but right now he's giving you the same look like the others. "A seven of Spades", he smirks, "should be easy for you."

It should. You shouldn't be that nervous about a Spades game. Hearts? Definitely. Diamonds? Maybe. But Spades? No, that type has never managed to frighten you. There's almost nothing you can't do, from fighting to climbing, no matter if it involves weapons or deadly traps. Nothing has been a problem for you so far...

Except water.

And the fact that you can already hear the sound of dripping water is not good at all.

"I'm not so sure about that..." you mutter as you leave the lobby and enter the game area, where a huge empty pool is awaiting you. Almost empty now, since multiple small streams of water have already begun to fill the huge basin, slowly but steadily. Attached to the wet tiles on the floor are the pieces of the key you need to get out of here, all locked behind certain kinds of mechanisms. Chains that need to be broken, heavy obstacles that need to be lifted aside. While the water level is constantly rising, and as you compare its speed with the timer, you suppose that it's game over once the water reaches the rim of the pool.

Goose bumps spread all over your body. There is no other option to obtain the key other than entering the pool, and most of the other players have already begun to climb inside and inspect the mechanisms. Only Chishiya remains next to you, watching you with hidden curiosity. It doesn't suit you to be so hesitant in a game that should be made for you, and you're afraid to tell him.

But he will find out eventually, since it's close to impossible to hide anything from him. You sigh. "I... I can't swim."


Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now