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[Req.: "This will probably be my last request for a while, cause I'm running out of ideas XD. Staying in that "they-remember-everything" AU from my first request, s/o's first time visiting/finding Chishiya at the hospital. Basically just make it a happy and (probably pretty) emotional reunion ^^. Maybe also up to the point then he finally gets out of the hospital. If you want, you can also use the forelast chapter of 'HliF' as reference again, because it was so heartbreaking beautifully written 😭"]


It is weird – pretending that you're fine even though you're not. In fact, you're everything but fine. The images still haunt you; all the blood, the death... the pain. What you experienced in the Borderlands is too much to talk about to anyone who hasn't been there, but people don't believe you anyway. You have heard the weirdest explanations for hundreds of people waking up after their heart stopped beating for a minute straight, with the same memories of the same cursed parallel world. They can't accept the fact that whatever happened cannot be explained.

But you'll manage to get over it somehow. All you need is to see a certain face, kiss those lips that you have kissed hundreds of times, make sure he's alive and okay. The only problem with that: Chishiya Shuntarou isn't stationed in your hospital. You don't know where he is, and they won't let you go until you have recovered enough to be exposed to the world outside of those hospital walls again.

So you make them believe what they want to see. The physical injuries aren't the problem, since most of the wounds seem to be older already. Just another thing people can't explain, no matter how hard they try. What's hard for you are the scars cannot be treated with gouge and dressings.

You muffle the screams escaping your mouth whenever you wake up from another nightmare, you eat although you're not hungry and force every fiber of your body to keep it together so you won't throw up everything again. You force a smile, no matter how much it hurts your cheeks. You're fine, you're fine, you're FINE.

You will be fine, once you're with him.


With every day passing by, you wonder if he has made it. If he was able to survive long enough to get proper treatment for the wounds that were about to kill him. If he remembers the Borderlands as well.

If he remembers you.

The day arrives, and you chase through the hospital floors like a shooting star. Sunlight hurts your eyes, the noise from the street is almost too much to bear, but you don't care. Nothing is important right now except one thing.

There's no need to take out the note safely placed in your pocket. A nurse told you that it had been found in your clothes, but you wouldn't have needed it. You were given days to find out where his university was located, and the hospital linked to it will be the very first place you'll start your search. And yet the walkways are too long, the underground drives too slow. People seem to purposely walk into your way to slow you down, and you want to scream and shout at every single one of them. But you don't.

It feels like hours until you finally find yourself in front of a certain hospital, panting heavily and the pain in your wrists almost killing you. Not that it'd cause you to slow down in any way; you almost stumble over the desk and scare the hell out of the poor reception lady.

"Chishiya Shuntarou. I... is he here? Can you... can you tell me his room number?"

She makes you repeat his name three times until she finally understands enough to search for him in the system, but you don't like the frown on her face.

"May I ask who you are? His girlfriend?" pale grey eyes look you up and down while you think about how to answer. What are you, now that the Borderlands are left behind?

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now