A Soul to Recover

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AN: Don't read this if you're easily triggered by content involving rape.

[Req.: "Hello :D I'm back with another request, only if you're comfortable with it of cource. Chishiya protecting/rescuing his s/o when he stumbles upon Niragi forcing himself on her (maybe similar like he did with Usagi)."]

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It is no secret how Niragi likes to spend his free time in the Beach, and one of the first things newcomers – most of all the women – learn, is to stay clear of him whenever possible. But once Niragi has laid his eyes upon someone, there's no way out.

Chishiya doesn't care about this. He has heard enough of the screams through the open doors of Niragi's room, has seen enough women cry over bruises and bites and wounds that cannot be seen from the outside. And yet it has never concerned him... until today.

The voice sounding from Niragi's room is the most familiar of all to him. He has spent hours listening to it, but there has never been so much fright. So much pain. Chishiya has never bothered to think about this possibility before. She belongs to him, and it's not really a secret anymore throughout the Beach. And Niragi has never even eyed her for more than a second, but for some reason, that clearly has changed. Most likely it has something to do with Chishiya.

It causes his feet to move faster in an instant. His woman won't end up like all the others. He doesn't even dare to think how it'd have been if he hadn't been around in this corridor just at the right time, and it takes only seconds for him to spot the door.

Niragi always leaves it open so the whole Beach can witness what it truly means when a world is not bound to any rules. That's why Chishiya can see the scene going on without even reaching the room, and it turns his blood into ice.

Four more of Niragi's minions are kneeling on the sides of a bed, each of them pinning a fragile limb into the sheets. They are having a hard time with the delicate figure under them winding and fighting as much as possible, but it only makes them laugh.

His woman isn't pleading or begging to be freed; she's smart enough to know there's no use for that. But her attempts at biting or hitting something with her head are remarkable, and it's clear that she's a fighter. But that only seems to fuel Niragi, and the desperation in her voice is steadily growing. The moment Chishiya arrives at the door, he realizes why.

The frozen blood running through his veins suddenly starts to boil at the sight of the completely torn bikini top hanging in shreds around her body. Blood has mixed with saliva and leaves a trace down to her mid-section – where Niragi is just attempting to do the same with the pants as he did with the top.

Which Chishiya definitely won't allow happening.

No one has noticed him yet since they're all too busy holding down the desperate fury of a woman, and everything turns silent when Chishiya knocks the rifle against Niragi's head with full strength. The impact brings the Militant down to his knees, and the moment of surprise allows the captive to free one leg and kick her captor in the groin, causing him to roll off the bed, while also leaving a bright scratch mark on the face of one of Niragi's minions.

"The show is over now", Chishiya says as calmly as possible while he points the rifle towards the other people inside the room. He doesn't know how to use it, but it won't be too hard with such a short distance. Hesitantly, hands are removed from his woman, and she jumps up the moment she's free and runs towards him, hiding behind his back while also covering her chest with both arms. She's trembling heavily.

Niragi slowly gets up with a groan, pulling himself up on the bed frame, pain clearly written on his face. Not from the weapon's impact, but from the kick into his most precious parts. He's obviously angry and searches for his rifle, only to growl when he finds it in Chishiya's hands.

"You disturbed the fun, you snotty brat! Since when do we interfere in each other's business, eh?" He doesn't even flinch when he looks straight into the muzzle of his own rifle.

"Since you decided to choose what's already mine."

The face in front of him turns into a grinning grimace, and the sight of the pierced tongue that has touched his girl almost causes Chishiya to snarl.

"Ohh! Don't tell me this one is yours? No one told me!" Liar. "What a shame. And you're too selfish to share, hmm?"

The grin wavers when Chishiya lowers the rifle to the area Niragi is still holding on to. He would kill him here and now for what he already did, but that'd cause problems he doesn't need right now. But no one could blame him for taking what's most precious to Niragi, since that bastard has almost done the same to him.

It seems that Niragi's minions have recovered, since they're surrounding their wannabe-boss now as if they could protect him. Pathetic.

"Believe me. You don't want to lay your fingers upon her ever again. Otherwise it'll be the last time you've had fun with a woman."

In the silence that has fallen over them, the sound of his finger moving along the trigger is loud enough for anyone to be heard. Just a bit more pressure, and it'll be done. No one is more aware of that fact than Niragi.

"We'll see about that", growls the Militant, but he has lost this fight and he knows it. Chishiya takes a step back and quickly removes his hoodie to cover his woman's upper body before gently pushing her down the corridor. He takes the rifle with him – Niragi won't have trouble getting a new one, but he might have just started a war and it can't be bad to be prepared.

Although for now, he can't care about Niragi.

There are wounds to patch up, and most of all, a soul to recover.

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