The Whirlwind Incident

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[Req.: "I thought what if the reader secretly has 2 Kids? (Or 1 which is fine 😁) And chishiya doesn't know and They go on a date and The Kids end up showing up"]


„Can't believe he finally agreed to go on a date!"

While you make yourself ready, put on some makeup and search for the right clothes, Kuina lingers on your bed, scrolls through her phone and once in a while eyes you with the brightest sparks you have ever seen in her eyes. It is hilarious how she seems to be more excited for this than you are, which must be a lot because your heart is beating so incredibly fast it almost hurts.

"Yeah", you chuckle, "took him long enough." For more than a month now, you have tried to convince Chishiya to go on a date with you. Nothing big, a simple dinner maybe, because you are clearly interested in learning more about this man and he might reciprocate these feelings. Hard to tell with someone as secluded as Chishiya, but after many days of exchanging messages and sometimes even phoning before you fall asleep, it is more than time.

You barely remember the last time you have been so excited, and you want to make everything right. Not too much makeup, no overdressed choice of clothes, just something that resembles you on a very good day. Your mood will do the rest.

"We're talking about Chishiya, honey. It's more like him to not react at all, so consider yourself lucky."

Through the mirror, you can see how Kuina stares into the camera of her phone while making the weirdest faces, probably trying out new filters, and it makes you laugh. "I do, believe me. Do you think this is too much?"

You turn around so Kuina can check your makeup, and she even has enough decency to put her phone away for a second. "Honey, you look stunning! Ab-so-lu-tely stunning!"

"Thanks. And you're sure that you can handle this?" you nod towards the living room, where your kids are currently keeping themselves busy with a new video game, however it is a fragile peace that won't last too long. Both you and Kuina are aware of that, but the other woman just shrugs. "Ahh, no need to worry. We'll get along just fine! Not the first time I'm doing this, remember?"

"Sure, but... what if Chishiya doesn't like children?"

This date has kept your mind busy for days now, and you really want to get closer to this handsome surgeon. On the other side, especially doctors are known for not being interested in kids at all, and the thought really concerns you. What if he dumps you because you already have two?

Kuina snorts. "He definitely doesn't like children. That's why you're having your first date without them, remember? Maybe... not tell him at all. At least not today. Give him the chance to get used to them slowly."

"Maybe..." it doesn't feel right though. Those kids are an important part of your life, and you don't want to keep them a secret. But if it's just for the very first date, it might be okay.

You place down the makeup utensils and head to the wardrobe, although you have already chosen something to wear. The nervousness causes you to swipe through all of your clothes for the umpteenth time, making sure that you really have not missed anything that would look better on you than what you've chosen. Most of it is either too casual or too much, and just like the other two thousand times you did this, you come to the conclusion that there is nothing more suited for today. You quickly switch into the outfit, which gains you a complimenting whistle from Kuina.

And just in time, two little hurricanes sweep into your room, encircling you like hungry animals.

"You look great, mum! Another birthday today?" the youngest asks with the unhidden curiosity that just a child can have, immediately gaining them a half-hearted punch from the oldest.

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