The Kiss

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No request this time. I wanted to write fluff, so fluff it is ~


You loved Kuina. You really, really did. And you'd love her even more if she didn't prevent you from kissing Chishiya literally all the time, as if it wasn't hard enough already to do that.

Whenever you were alone with him and finally sensed a chance for a kiss, you took your time to ensure the mood and atmosphere was alright, and more than once you almost had him there. But every single time, Kuina had managed to storm into the room just before your lips had met, and the dreadlocked woman hadn't even noticed.

Chishiya, on the other side, had chuckled and eyed you with a smirk, and the mocking grin hadn't left for the rest of the evening. He knew that you tried, and you knew that he wouldn't mind a kiss from you, but of course the blonde would never approach you. He waited, with the patience of a rock, and enjoyed all the little incidents more than anyone just because he could watch you fret about it.

He was completely aware that you'd snap one day, and he probably saw it coming even before you did.

It was the day where you got as close as you'd never gotten before. You had Chishiya sitting next to you, close enough that your legs touched, and your hand was already caressing his cheek, your thumb playing with a strand of his blonde hair. Breathing out, you already closed your eyes, moved your head towards his –

When the door crashed open with a loud thud, and Kuina stood in the doorframe, panting and beaming with joy. "Pancakes. They've made pancakes, down in the main kitch- what the fuck??"

At least this time, she noticed. You sighed and retreated, your fingers hesitating to move away from Chishiya's warm skin, and you didn't want to be angry. But you felt the heat swell inside of you, and not even the thought of pancakes could ease that.

"How on earth, Kuina? Every time. Every. Single. Time! What is that inner clock of yours?!"

"Inner what?" Your friend blinked in confusion, eyes wandering between you and Chishiya to try and figure out what exactly she had witnessed.

The blonde chuckled and crossed his arms, leaning back into the pillows of the hotel bed as if nothing had just happened. "Pancakes, you say? I'm sure you won't mind saving enough for all three of us."

Kuina's figure eased a bit, as if she had forgotten about the disturbance. "You bet! I'll get enough for a dozen!"

"Don't forget some syrup", you shouted after her once she flew down the hallway, and even though pancakes were a rare and highly desired treat in the Beach, Kuina would be capable of getting enough with no doubt. She'd use more than just her fists to do that – somehow she always got those sweets first, no matter if it was waffles, pancakes or popcorn.

With your foot, you kicked the door close and dropped back into the sheets of Chishiya's bed. It smelled like strawberries, and you'd sell your soul to sleep one night here with him.

"She'll be gone for the next couple of minutes", Chishiya teased you with his catlike voice and you didn't have to look at him to know he was grinning.

"Nah", you muttered with closed eyes, "moment's ruined." You would have to wait for the next opportunity, but it could take ages for that to come, and even then, Kuina would probably manage to disturb you again. You sighed.

Chishiya shifted, you could hear the rustling of his clothes, and you assumed that he'd get up either to grab his iPod or to tinker around with something on his desk.

But then, all of a sudden, a shadow appeared over your face, and before you could react, something... no, someone touched your lips, the warmth spreading butterflies all through your body.

The softness of that kiss made you gasp in surprise, and in the moment your eyes flew open, you caught Chishiya's cunning face just as he moved away from you, this time to actually sit down on the desk.

You couldn't even say anything. All you were capable to do was to touch your lips with your fingers, where the kiss still lingered, while you tried to calm your heartbeat. Had Chishiya... actually kissed you? Just like that?

Unable to talk to him, you did nothing but stare at his back, questioning your mind if it had been nothing but a very short, very realistic dream. And just for once, you were actually happy to see Kuina's face in the door again.

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