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[Req.: "just randomly pops up in my head in the middle of doing homework but what if chishiya cut his hair cause you know his hair do be looking CRUSTY and DEAD and how would their s/o react to that ? kinda bonus if you wanna do this but how would the others (niragi, kuina, etc.) react to if he cut it during borderlands ? hehe"]


You always liked the idea of the way Chishiya wears his hair. The style and color are eye catching, interesting, something else. However you won't admit that it could definitely use some proper care - a fresh cut on the edges, regular use of conditioner and such.

The scene awaiting you when you enter his room is something utterly unexpected though.

It is not the fact that Chishiya sits at his desk and thinkers around with something you can't name. And it isn't the fact that he's not wearing his hoodie, allowing you to look at the pale skin on his back.

No, it is the fact that his long blonde hair... has vanished. Entirely. Whatever happened, it has been cut away and the one who did it definitely didn't know what they were doing. You see some strands that are still amost at ear-length, while other strands are not much longer than a centimeter. It's a mess. A complete mess. Chaos. The end of the world.

"What... the..." Too shocked to even pronounce a complete sentence, you don't even bother to close the door behind you. It's impossible to close your mouth as well while you stare at what could have been a dust mop placed onto Chishiya's head, and the fact that said man turns around to you as if nothing ever happened doesn't make it much better.

Nope, it definitely doesn't look better on the front.

"Chishiya... who did this to you?" Your voice is calm, not allowing him to witness your almost-breakdown. Was it some kind of evil prank, probably from Niragi? It must have been Niragi. He and Chishiya don't try to hide how much they hate each other, and this would suit the Militant pretty much.

Chishiya however surprises you even more with his answer. "I did it myself."

"You di- why?" This at least explains why the hair has been cut so scruffily, but it doesn't explain why on earth Chishiya would have done that. Out of free will on top of that.

He moves his fingers through what's left of his hair, seemingly surprised himself that it's so short now. "Tonight's game was quite much of a bother. It left my hair singed and sticky, so I didn't really have much of a choice."

"And you simply cut away what has been ruined?" Without looking in a mirror and checking if the result is at least okay to look at? Because this definitely isn't. It looks terrible. Chishiya Shuntarou can pretend that he's the best at everything, but he can't cut hair. A blind person without arms would have managed to do it better than this.

Chishiya nods and turns back to his desk as if everything has been cleared now, while you on the other side can't bear to look at this nightmare a second longer. You stomp out of the room without further comment, calling for Kuina all the way to the bar where you have last seen her.

The dreadlocked woman looks up from her beer, immediately alarmed by the look on your face. You don't even let her ask what's going on. "An emergency. I need your help. Now."

Expecting the worst, Kuina abandons her beer and follows immediately, trying again and again to ask what exactly has happened. It would be pointless to tell her, since you'd find no words to describe what she will soon see with her own eyes. The door to Chishiya's room is still open, and you enter without a word. You don't need to see her to know when she catches sight of the mess, and the cascade of curses and questionable terms almost makes you grin. Almost.

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now