Happy Halloween

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[Req.: "So, we are approaching Halloween, and here and where you live we don't celebrate, but as I have told you, I've always wanted to carve a pumpkin, but never had the chance, so I thought what if the reader wanted carve pumpkins with Chishiya? For fun or you know bonding moments? "]


Halloween is a fun time of year.

Not only can autumn really be beautiful with all its yellow and golden leaves; it is also the time of pumpkins and nuts and spooky costumes and children playing trick or treat. The air is getting colder and you can finally take out all your favorite scarves and hoodies, and when it's not a rainy or foggy day, walking through the sun-lit fields can be such a nice experience.

You haven't dressed for spooky season for quite a while, but maybe there will be a Halloween party you and Chishiya can attend. Not that Chishiya would be too eager to do so, although you know he would accompany you because it's you.

Today, you have different plans in mind for him, and you grin at the sight of two large orange pumpkins taking almost all the space on your kitchen table. Chishiya will be home soon, and this will be your surprise for him: pumpkin carving! They would look wonderful in front of the door, lit with candle lights as soon as it gets dark, maybe it would even invite children to knock at your door and ask for sweets when Halloween finally arrives.

Impatiently you drum your fingertips onto the countertop, while your eyes never leave window to be ready when he arrives. He's late, but it's not unusual for him to work longer than planned. The hospital is always full of emergencies and unexpected changes of plan, and you watch how the wind shoves some leaves along the street as the minutes tick by.

The sight has something calming, and with the sun warming your face through the window, it feels like a wonderful autumn day. You know the wind outside is freezingly cold and heavy, and yet it doesn't faze you since you're all warm and cozy.

There he is, finally – waling up the driveway, clutching his coat and keeping his head low to avoid the sharp wind. Your hand automatically moves to the electric kettle to prepare some tea for him, since he will need the warmth for sure. And as soon as he enters the house, you're there to greet him with a hug and a kiss, grinning at his cold skin touching yours.

"How was your day?" you smile at him, taking off his coat while he gets rid off his shoes, and then follow him into the kitchen to pour the hot water into his mug. Chishiya shrugs instead of answering your question and sits down at the table, eyeing the pumpkins with a slight frown.

"You know I don't eat pumpkins."

Which is a shame, for the record, but that's not much of a problem. You sit down opposite to him, turning one of the huge orange vegetables in your hands. "Don't worry, I didn't intend to eat them. We will carve them!"

You present him the pumpkin as if there was something more to look at than just a food, not at all expecting him to be excited. It wouldn't be typical for him to immediately make jumps of joy at an idea of yours, although you know that he has no other plans for today and you are ready to fight his arguments.

"We? Will carve them?"

To your surprise, he doesn't even sound disinclined to that idea. Simply startled.

"Yes! Exactly!" You nod eagerly, shoving one of the pumpkins towards him. "Look, Halloween is about to come soon, and those would look splendid as decoration! Besides, it has been a while since we've done something together – like, really together, instead of lingering on the couch and binging Netflix series."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now