Shivers (NSFW!!)

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Requested by XiuminsMarshmallow5, a situation where the reader is needy and craving for Chishiya's physical attention ~

Needless to say, this is VERY NSFW. Like the most NSFW thing I've written so far, so children: stay away from this! You have been warned.


The bathroom door had been purposefully left open, allowing you to see right into the shower from your spot on the bed. You stretched out between the comfortable sheets, head tilted so the view wouldn't evade your eyes.

Chishiya was always something to look at, but you enjoyed it the most in situations like this: when there was nothing covering his body at all, except the hot water bubbling down his reddened skin. He was facing the door, allowing you to glimpse even at his most private parts, and the way he had his eyes halfway closed and lips slightly parted while enjoying the warmth of his shower made you feel a different kind of heat.

You wanted him, and the view didn't help to ease that desire the slightest. But that cunning blonde was taking incredibly long with his shower, and you were growing more and more impatient, even rubbing your thighs against each other in a desperate attempt to soothe the tension in your middle.

"Aren't you done yet?" you shouted into the bathroom, hugging the pillow under your head. Goose bumps were covering your body because you wore nothing but panties and the air was a bit chilly, but you had hoped for Chishiya to replace any need for blankets soon. Turned out he had different plans, though.

The blonde didn't answer and instead moved his hands through the wet strands of hair, and the way he lifted his face into the water while doing so was such a delicious sight that it made you sigh out loud. You watched how the drops fell off his raised chin, descended the pale skin of his chest, moved down his stomach that hinted at the muscles lying underneath, until they reached a certain spot right between his legs.

As your eyes stopped right there, you barely noticed how your hand moved down your body just like the drops of water you watched. Warm fingers brushed over your side and crossed your hip, circling the skin of your thighs, while you imagined that those were the fingers of someone else. You could almost feel his breath on your skin and the tips of his hair tickling your legs as he moved down to the center of the heat...

Exhaling a shaking breath, you jumped up from the bed and hurried into the bathroom, stripping off your underwear on your way. Imaginations wouldn't do, and you needed more than just your own hand right now. You needed Chishiya, and since he showed no intention to come to you, you had to get to him.

Splashes of water made you flinch as soon as you opened the glass door of the shower, and you hurried to squeeze inside so more of the warm liquid could cover your body.

Skin pressed against skin, and the sensation of something rubbing against your stomach made you shiver. You moved even closer to add more pressure and wrapped your arms around Chishiya's waist so he couldn't step back, and with every little movement of your stomach, you felt the pressure becoming harder and harder.

"I didn't know you wanted to take a shower, too", Chishiya remarked with a smirk as if nothing was just happening. You lifted your head and blinked against the water running into your eyes, grinning towards the blonde and pressing a firm kiss onto his soft lips.

"I wanted to wait for you, but you took so long."

He chuckled, and the hot and throbbing pressure against your stomach almost made you go entirely insane. You needed him. Now.

Knowing exactly what he did to you, Chishiya moved his hips up and down, just so slightly. "Wait for what, exactly?"

That was so – him. His feigned ignorance made you snort, and you dug your fingernails into the oh-so soft skin of his backside in an attempt to take over control. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

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