Need to Wake Up

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[Req.: "That kitten oneshot was really cute and I hope it's fine if I request something non-cat related XD. A Scenario taking place after they get out of the borderlands, in a kinda AU there they actually remember everything that happened - Chishiya's s/o waking up from a nightmare (maybe kinda based on that scene there he almost died, from your other fic) only to wake up and find him asleep next to them or he woke up too because of their nightmare."]

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It is always the same nightmare, again and again. But no matter how many times you go through it... no matter how certain you can tell that it's just a dream... the fear stays the same.

You know exactly what is going to happen, but there is no way to stop it. No way to wake up before the horror begins.

And it's so real! You can feel the cold rain on your skin, smell the grass breaking through the asphalt, sense the ache of your slowly healing injuries.

But that is not what causes the horror. It's Chishiya, lying on the street in front of you, covered in blood and breathing so shallow as if the next breath will also be the last. He tries to talk to you, but no sound escapes his mouth. Just blood. Over and over again you tell him that everything will be alright, beg him to stay alive, although you can't hear your voice. This scene is so familiar already, as it barely stays out of your dreams for a single night. No matter how hard you try to forget, it will always come back. You could live with it, get used to the painful memory with the knowledge that Chishiya is alive and alright, that he recovered from his wounds and is sleeping peacefully next to you, if it wasn't for...

You wake with a start, screaming so loud that it hurts your ears, and your hands are covered in sweat when you try to touch your face. Only that you are not awake.

Already panicking, you look around and search the caravan for Chishiya. Every time you try to warn him, try to avoid what is going to happen. It has never worked before, but everything is still better than to simply sit there and wait for him to die again and again and again and again.

"Bad dream?" Chishiya asks softly, kneeling down on the bed in front of you and reaching for your hand. You want to scream, shout at him to leave or to hide, but like always, there is no sound. Your lips don't even more, frozen to ice as the door of the caravan crashes open and a shadowy figure enters, not even hesitating a second before he sends a bullet straight through Chishiya's heart.

Even though it's just that one bullet, Chishiya starts to bleed all over his body. It pours down his still smiling mouth, out of his eyes, his nose. It quickly covers everything including the bed and you, and an invisible force still prevents you from screaming or avoiding your gaze.

"It's alright. I'm alive. Everything's fine. I'm alive." Like a mantra, he repeats this sentence over and over again while even more blood pours out of his face. But soon enough, it is not his face anymore. It turns and twists into a grimace, bones crush and shift to take over new features that resemble Niragi, but they don't stop cracking and changing, the grin growing wider and wider until it's Mira staring at you.

Cold sweat runs down your spine, mixing with the freezing heat caused by the fear you feel. No matter how many times you witness this, it doesn't get easier. And you are not even able to close your eyes or to ignore the sounds, are forced to stare at Mira the way she stares at you, but the change is not yet done.

Her long black hair is covered in dark crimson and she pulls a stained and tattered hood over her face, turning into the shadowy figure that you recognize as the King of Spades. You don't need to look towards the door to see that he's not standing there anymore. His eyes are hidden under the hood of the figure right in front of you, but you can see his smile. Dangerous. Evil.

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now