Chishiya NSFW Alphabet

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This was requested by Loveroftsuki! I have never done something like this before, so have mercy with me :D

And feel free to add your thoughts / tell me if you disagree with points!

A = Aftercare When it's done, it's done. Don't talk about it. A good cup of tea or an interesting book are never bad though. While he usually doesn't mind cuddles, this is not the right time because he might need some space for himself.

B = Body part Head and hands. Why? I like to imagine that he likes to fiddle around with your hair because it helps him to calm down, may it be after a hard day at work or just because he wants to. And while he usually doesn't like if you touch his hair, it's okay if you do it in bed. His hair will be a mess afterwards anyways, so he can allow himself to fully enjoy it.

Why the hands? Hands are pretty sensitive, and you can do a lot with them. You can be gentle, you can be rough, you can do very unexpected things. I just like to imagine he enjoys soft massages of his palm and fingers.

C = Cum Since he doesn't like to make his hands dirty, the same goes for bedtime activities. Be wild, be creative, but for god's sake – keep it clean.

D = Dirty secret He likes to see you on your knees in front of him. When he doesn't have to do much, can keep control over everything and he can watch your face until the very end. Or push it down if he doesn't want you to look at him.

E = Experience Chishiya knows exactly what he's doing. Not because he has done it a million times already, but simply because he is extremely clever. Clever enough to figure it out, both from studying you before as well as catching subtle hints while you're both on it. He will never let it look like something is new to him, even if it is.

F = Favorite position Easy – on top. A position where he can keep control and watch everything easily.

G = Goofy He won't make jokes or say stupid things, but he doesn't have to be entirely serious as well. You will see a smirk or even a smile on his face once in a while, and he will enjoy to fool you.

H = Hair It shouldn't be a surprise that Chishiya isn't covered in fur. He doesn't shave other parts except his facial hair, but he doesn't need to. He has the right amount of hair on places it belongs to, not more and not less.

I = Intimacy You really think Chishiya would care much for romance? You know what you sign up for the moment you enter his room. He won't tell you cute or sexy things, maybe though he will whisper something into your ear. But mostly to tease you, believe me.

J = Jack off It's not as effective if he does it alone, and thus it rarely happens. Mostly because it means a mess you have to clean up afterwards.

K = Kink Explore his whole body with your fingers, and maybe he will even allow you to touch the very few ticklish parts of his.

L = Location It doesn't always have to be the bed! Chishiya doesn't like to be in the spotlight, and he definitely doesn't like to be seen by others, but he'll always agree to some exotic and extraordinary places if there is some privacy.

M = Motivation Chishiya is not the person who will sleep with women just to acquire something. He has other ways to get the things he wants, so if he allows you to be part of his (physical) love life, he has other intentions. He's still a man and enjoys physical activities, and you might be someone who makes him feel things he can't feel otherwise.

N = No Anything that has something to do with feces. Don't even think of bringing this in, it will be an absolute NO.

O = Oral Chishiya and giving? Hmm. It might happen on rare occasions, but he has to be in a very special mood for it. If you're able to swallow it all, he really likes to receive. Otherwise it might be okay too, but keep some baby wipes near (remember, he likes to keep it clean).

P = Pace It depends. He can be quick and rough while still completely under control, and in the next second, he will slow down if it's enough to make you crazy. But be assured that he'll know what he's doing at any time given.

Q = Quickie Stressful day and he needs something to quickly calm down? Sure thing, here he goes! But don't you dare take too long, you might not get a chance to finish.

R = Risk Experiments? Yes. Risks? Not if he couldn't think through at least a dozen outcomes at first. It's all about control, and if there's a chance that things could turn out a way he can't influence, he won't like it.

S = Stamina Enough to make you tired. It won't last all night, but it will definitely be longer than just a couple of minutes!

T = Toys Yes to toys, but no to use them on himself. He'll always be curious to find out what he can do with them (on your body, of course), and how he can use it to manipulate you. Keep in mind that he could use them to make you say or even promise things you'd regret afterwards!

U = Unfair Teasing is Chishiya's second name. He will do everything to tease you. You're about to finish? Nah, he will stop and smirk at you while you wind yourself under his body in longing agony.

V = Volume Chishiya is not the man to moan or shout out loud. He doesn't mind you being loud (except the location is bad for too much noise), but you won't hear much from him.

W = Wild card Getting intimate inside the Beach is a bit difficult because the walls are thin and the doors can't be locked. But since it's summer and not too cold even at night, he won't say no to a special spot on the rooftop sometimes. A spot far away from the door, where he can keep an eye on everything in case someone gets up there at night, but no one will see you two. And no one will hear your cries and gasps as well (hopefully).

X = X-ray pale skin, not obviously covered in muscles, but as soon as you can see or feel him in motion, you realize he definitely knows how to use his body. Well-built on the most hidden part of his? Kind of average, but he'll make the best out of it with no doubt.

Y = Yearning If someone is able to control himself, than it's our boy. He's not the one to do it multiple times a day, maybe not even on a daily base, but he won't let you stay hungry for too long. Besides, there are always possibilities to tease him so he'll look forward the next opportunity together with you.

Z = Zzz Falling asleep isn't the easiest thing for Chishiya anyway. He usually takes a very long time while the thoughts keep him awake until he's calm enough to give in to sleep. But after you've been physically active? It's a different thing. He won't sleep immediately, but it won't be as hard for him as otherwise.

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