Say My Name

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[Req.: "I don't know if you are taking requests now or if you're busy with the prompts, but can you write about Chishiya's s/o finding out his first name? How he would react to his s/o saying his first name? Thank you 😊"]


You hear the noises coming from the slightly ajar bathroom door - the water running down in the shower, the sound of shampoo being opened and closed. Chishiya really takes long this time, and you have already shouted to him twice to hurry up so you can go inside as well.

In the meantime, you're lazily chilling on the bed, cursing the heat one more time. Summer is nice and all, sure, but you wouldn't mind the temperature dropping below the boiling point now and then. You will feel better once you're able to take a cold shower - once Chishiya finally clears the bathroom.


Kind of a weird name, now that you think about it. Not really a common name you have heard before, and yet it sounds familiar.

Yes, that's it! It is familiar to you because it sounds just like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, and the thought makes you grin. It fits this man perfectly fine, no doubt. He's secretive, manipulative... and he secretly loves when you run your fingers through his hair.

"What is it?"

Said male has finally left the bathroom and is now standing next to the bed, watching you with a raised brow while he rubs his hair dry with a towel. You sit up in bed and watch how he puts on the hoodie, although it's a miracle to you how he can wear it with such high temperatures.

"Oh, you know..." you admit with a chuckle, "I was just wondering what weird of a name Chishiya is."

He stares at you for a second longer before he shrugs. "It is a name. Like every other name."

"Naah! Tell me, did you choose it because it sounded like Cheshire? You did! I know you did."

You slide to the side so Chishiya can sit down on the bed next to you and watch how the towel is being thrown into the clothes hamper without missing. "I didn't choose it. Since when would people choose their last name?"

That makes you startle. It's... his last name?

"Wait. Wait, wait, wait. You have to be kidding me." He doesn't answer, and you bring your face close to his, allowing you to smell the strawberry shampoo. "Chishiya - is your last name? Like... for real? I thought it was a nickname you chose, like Last Boss or Hatter."

"I would never give myself a pathetic nickname", he snorts with a roll of his eyes. You don't think that naming yourself Chishiya would be pathetic, because it's a cool name and it really suits this man.

The fact that Chishiya is his last name is still interesting, and maybe it sounds familiar to you because you have heard it somewhere before the Borderlands? "Do you know where it comes from, then? I don't think I have met a person named Chishiya before."

He shrugs again. "I can't tell you exactly. Some people say that it originates in Ishida and has changed to Chishiya throughout the centuries."

But when Chishiya is his last name, that means...

"What's your first name, then?"

"Didn't you want to take a shower?"

Grinning at him, you tug at the sleeve of his hoodie and wordlessly ask him to sit down next to you. He does, allowing you to snuggle against his side. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just curious, that's all."

Feeling his breath in your hair and his fingers on his back, you don't really expect him to answer. He is usually quite reserved with anything personal, and knowing his first name won't change anyt-



"It's Shuntarou."

You lift your head until your eyes lock with the brown orbs of his. "That's... actually a beautiful name. Chishiya Shuntarou. I like the sound of it, really."

He raises his brows, and you simply have to kiss him for the face he makes. It results in a chuckle from both sides and Chishiya shoving you towards the bathroom. "Now go take your shower, silly."

- - -

For the next couple of days, you continue to call him Chishiya. It's the name you're used to, and you like the sound of it as well. Calling him Shuntarou in public somehow feels wrong, because it's a secret he has shared with you only, and you won't give that away to others. When you're alone, you barely call him by his name anyway, and when it happens, Chishiya slips from your lips quicker than you can think about it.

So one time, when you watch Chishiya's back as he tinkers around with something on his desk, probably the taser he's trying to make, you simply want to test how he will react.

"Hey, Shuntarou?"

The reaction is immediate. Usually, Chishiya will either hum or wait a couple of seconds before he turns around to you, but now you can see the tension in his back in an instant. He looks you in the eyes with a frown, and you're already sure that it wasn't a good idea.

"I'm sorry, I... I just thought, since you told me, it would be nice to..."

Chishiya still doesn't answer and simply continues to watch you. Then, oh so slowly, the frown disappears and he leans a bit closer to you. "Say it again."

You feel a familiar warmth spread inside your chest and can't hold back the grin. "Shuntarou", you say as soft as possible, and this time, Chishiya smirks back.

"It sounds much nicer when you say it."

"Nicer than what?" You know the answer immediately when the question escapes your lips, and Chishiya huffs before he turns back around to his desk. Of course he's talking about his parents, mostly his father, who never cared too much about his son. Whenever he called him, it must have been with a cold and uncaring voice, even more condescending than Chishiya tends to be at times.

You get up from the bed and wrap your arms around his back, snuggling your face into the soft hoodie. "To be honest, I still have to get used to saying it." It will probably always feel more right to call him Chishiya, although in the end, it doesn't really matter what name you call him, as long as the message behind it is the right one.

Chishiya chuckles dryly and continues to work on the taser as if you weren't there hugging him. "Then practice saying it."

"You wouldn't mind?"

He hums, a sound that you can't quite place at first. But then you feel his hand quickly brushing against yours, already gone in less than a heartbeat, and yet the warmth of it remains on your skin.

"We'll see about that. But I don't think I will."

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now