One of a Kind

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[Req.: "Heyy, can you write how Chishiya would react to finding out his partner is pregnant? Idk if it's possible to get pregnant in the borderlands so if you want it could be when they're out of there. I love your writing!! 💖"]


Feeling sick is nothing too special within the Beach - there will always be some piece of food that isn't edible anymore and will cause someone an upset stomach for a day or two. So you weren't too worried when you woke up with a feeling of nausea, considering that you had eaten self-made icecream of a friend of yours. Chishiya had told you not to get carried away with it, but of course you wouldn't listen.

It had become better after visiting the toilet, and when you woke up with the same feeling the next day, you had been annoyed but not overly worried about it.

Now, waking up the fifth morning in a row with nausea ruining your start into the day, you have a feeling that it wasn't only the icecream that caused it.

You take in a few deep breaths, put your hands onto your stomach to calm the rumours inside your body so you'll at least make it into the bathroom without an accident. In the dim light of the morning, you can see the shape of a mug standing on the bedstand next to you, and it turns out to be camomille tea. Perfect temperature to drink it, and it makes you smile. Chishiya has long gotten up, but he made you tea in case you'd still feel bad today.

You carefully take a sip, swallow it down slowly to wait how your body will respond to it, and after a few seconds you decide to drink some more. But the visit in the bathroom is still inevitable, and only after it you feel good enough to start the day.

With the tea mug in hands, you stand in the middle of the room, still not sure if you want to head down to breakfast already. The different smells had caused your stomach to turn yesterday, and you still have plenty of biscuits up in your room, since they seem to be the only thing you can eat without problems. It still makes you wonder what caused that sickness, since none of the others who ate of the icecream had similar problems. But what else could it be?

A shocking thought grows inside your mind, and you try to shake it away. It's impossible. There is no way it could happen in such a world. You have never heard of someone going through this before...

And yet, everything would fit. The morning sickness. The odor sensitivity. The mood changes.

No. No, no, no!

You carelessly drop the mug onto the desk next to you and storm out of the room. Your feet automatically drag you towards the Beach's medical section, and you barely recognize the white hoodie that you almost run into on your way there. The blood rushes through your ears, so loud that it drowns everything else around you, and you feel hot while your hands are cold as ice. An is not there, but one of the assistants watches you with big eyes, asking how he can help you.

His eyes grow even wider when you utter what you need, staring at the shelves somewhat lost for a minute. It feels like an eternity to you, and you would've roamed through the drawers yourself if your vision wasn't blurry from intensity.

Then, finally, he reaches you a small package that you almost rip out of his hands. The bathroom of your own hotel room is too far away, but there's one just next to the medical section, and you don't even care to lock the door as it falls shut behind you.

With shaking hands, you take the test strip out of the packaging and like a miracle manage to follow the steps without causing a mess. You slide down the bathroom door while you stare at the strip, unsure how you're supposed to withstand the ten minutes of waiting.

It turns out that you don't have to, anyway. The second line appears only seconds after you have sat down on the cold ground, and you stare at it in disbelief. The meaning behind this line won't reach your mind yet, but your heart is beating too fast, and you would have fainted if you were not already sitting on the floor. It is impossible. This can't be true. It can't be!

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