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[Req.: "Hello, I really love that "they remember everything AU" :). So how about like two or three years later reader gets in an accident and gets send to the borderlands again. Only for one game like in that sequel manga, but maybe without the pregnancy part (I just don't find pregnancy fics all that interesting ^^'). Maybe they could be brought to Chishiya's hospital, so for a change he's the one who worries and takes care of the reader ;). With a fluffy happy end please!"]


Within three years, you have gotten used to the sight of cranes everywhere. They have become as normal as ruins, collapsed buildings, makeshift shelters. Most of that has disappeared by now, replaced by skeletons of houses waiting to be built, structures that are raw and unfinished but already promise a future of hope.

Sometimes, it is still hard to believe that such a catastrophe has actually happened. And then you remember what you have experienced, what you have gone through without the rest of the world even noticing - how you found your true love just because of that. Who would have thought that a world designed to kill was able to teach a person how to love?

The memory makes you smile as you walk along the crowded and busy street. It is a nice spring day, the sun already shining warm on your face with a wind that promises a handful days of sunshine. Next to you, the first flowers already bloom in the front yards, and even the shadows have chased away the last remnants of snow. Yes, this is going to be a wonderful year.

Chishiya and you have planned to move to another apartment for a long time now, and it will soon be happening. You already love the new place, much bigger than your tiny little flat with a nice and huge balcony and an elevator. Maybe, if you manage to convince Chishiya, you'll even get a cat. Or two.

You have already seen so many cute ones in the animal shelter, waiting for a second home, and it shouldn't be too hard once you manage to bring him there and make him see the floofballs.

With all the cats in mind, you don't notice the crane suddenly tilting to the side. You don't hear the creaking noise, don't see the shadow growing dangerously large around you, until the people walking next to you shout out in panic.

And then it's already too late.

Before you can even scream at the sight of thousands of pounds of metal crashing down onto you, your whole vision goes dark.

- - -

You must be dead.

No person could possibly survive this, right?

Whatever this is - it has to be death.

But why does it look like Tokyo? Heaven shouldn't look like a city, should it? Where are the fluffy clouds, the angels, where's God?

And most of all... where are all the people?

You know this part of the city, since you have been here at least a thousand times before. It's close to where you live, the fastest route to home actually, and never before have you seen this street entirely empty no matter the time of day. This is Tokyo, after all, the main city and always crowded and noisy.

Always except now, it seems. Rubbish crowds the streets and greenery is growing all over the place, as if the city has been abandoned years ago, only that you seemed to sleep through it all and wake up now with everyone else already gone.

You begin to walk along the street, listen to any sound that could indicate nearing people or cars or even animals. There's just silence.

Maybe this is heaven, only that it's much different from what you have imagined. Maybe it is hell. You died and now you're forced to spend the rest of an eternity in this empty city, all alone with no one to witness how your mind slowly goes crazy.

Chishiya x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now