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"Is it necessary?"
Jungkook asks sitting with his parents in the big meeting chamber.
Wide open windows, cold but a shiny day. The table filled with different fruits.
The king sits with a deep frown going through some paper.
"Of course it is Jungkook!" queen Hana chuckles.

"But isn't it too much -- I mean five?" the prince asks showing five fingers, mouth open, bambi big eyes.
The queen feeds the apple slice to him, he looks adorable.
"It is a less number Jungkook, You know other princes' takes ten to twelve with them" the king says turning the pages.

"Why is it considered as a status symbol, it is more like -- shameful to me--"

"Jungkook!" the king interupts strictly.
Jungkook shrugs picking up a grape and turns to his mother.

"Don't you think Mother? Point is it - it is emabarrasing that you are running a kingdom and don't know how to do basic chorus"
He tries to make a point.
Jeon Hana sighs.
"So what do you want?"
Jungkook smiles before replying.
"One is enough mother, Taehyung is enough"

"So you want to take just him?'

"Yes, and that way we'll be just fifty two in total, I don't know why  people takes ten-twelve servers with them, the soldiers have to protect soo many people on the way, what's the point in that"
Both his parents hears him attentively then nods.
"Yeah, you are right, I have heard, untrained in sword and fighting- many servers usually dies on the way due to a sudden attack by rogues or enemies" Queen Hana replies.

"Let Jeons' introduce the new trend, people will learn and praise us more, good Jungkook!"
The king smirks patting Jungkook's shoulder, the prince smiles.

"So in total you will be going with fifty royal guards including your personal guard and one server, that is final and I don't want you to argue over reducing the number of guards, fifty is final!"
The king says with finality in his voice.

Jungkook was against taking any server and just ten to twenty guards with him to the Lee Kingdom, but he have to take one server at least and fifty guards.
Jungkook also denied using a carriage, he said he will take a horse. The king and queen argued for one hour but he keeps denying. So they finally settled on what Jungkook said -- a prince must know the forest and isn't afraid to travel on a horse, a brave prince must travel openly and not in some carriage, hiding.
The king and the queen got impressed with their prince and his courage , though queen Hana still suggests the carriage, for her son's safety. But Jungkook said to trust him and his strength. To which she reluctantly nods. Looks like the prince is going to make a raw dramatic entry in the Lee kingdom.

Just after Jungkook left the chamber, Jongin was summoned, the king and the queen informed him too, to ready the soldiers and to prioritise the prince's safety.
To which Jongin promised to protect the prince with his life.

They are cautious because prince Jungkook is travelling to the ruthless Lee kingdom and when it is said that they are rutheless, then they really live upto their name. If anything goes wrong there, anything could happen to the prince.


Taehyung served the prince with the other servers in the dining hall, he ate with his parents today as well.
In just two days he'll leave. Taehyung was busy all day in all the preparations for the prince's journey. 
It was past dinner time when Taehyung was finishing his last task of packing the presents with  SeokJin. He asked for how many days the prince would stay there.
Seokjin chuckled and informed him that----
"You are going as well, Taehyung. No one informed you?"
Taehyung with his surprized face, shakes his head.
He pouts.

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