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Taehyung ran, he don't know where his feets are taking him, his vision was blurry and he lost his senses he don't know where to go. He is soo angry on himself because he wants to run back to Jungkook, to hug him.

Only one person came in his mind, who will calm him--Jimin.
He would shout on him, scold him but he'll provide him the comfort he needs right now.

Jimin was half asleep when he heard the banging on his door. He was confused and a little scared, because Yoongi isn't home, Taehyung is probably at the palace and no one he knows would bang so loudly on his door. He got up, wears his scarf, covering his face and draws his knife walks towards the door.

The moment he opens the door, he puts the knife back when he sees it's Taehyung. Looking like a complete mess, crying.

"Tae--" he hugs Jimin. Jimin instantly gets tears in his eyes hearing his heart wrenching sobs. He don't know what happened but his Taehyung is crying.

"Taehyungie, what happened? Please tell me." Jimin says his own voice breaking.

"Tae, you are scaring me."


He didn't say anything just crying. Jimin somehow gets him in, closes the door and takes him in his room and makes him sit on the bed. Taehyung refuses to break the hug and keeps crying.

Jimin runs his hand in his hair, trying to calm him.

"Please tell me Tae, please tell me what happened." Jimin softly says.

Taehyung hugs him tight, buries his face in his neck and mumbles something--

"J-Jungkook said h-he loves me." Jimin thought he heard him wrong. Jimin stiffens, his hand in Taehyung's hair stops.

"Y-you can shout all you want but I-I need this hug please." Taehyung cries, holding on to Jimin. Jimin says nothing but after a second he hugs him back tightly.

Finally, after ten minutes or so, Taehyung got the courage to face Jimin. Jimin's attention was completely on him, he wipes Taehyung's face.

"I told him-I told him I don't like him--" Taehyung starts but stops when another set of tears leaves his eyes.

"If you don't like him, then why are you crying?" Jimin says and Taehyung shakes his head.

"I-I don't know, he looked soo hurt and--" he stops when he sees Jimin smiling, he is surprized why Jimin's isn't shouting at him.

"I won't say that I warned you, I won't shout at you because I already know it would happen sooner or later." Jimin softly says and embraces Taehyung in a hug, places a kiss on his forehead.

"I don't like him that way." Taehyung sniffles breaking the hug.

"Okay." Jimin smiles at him.

"I am serious! I told him that and he-- how could he fall just like that-- and fo-for me? Chim--"

"It's love Tae-- it can happen to anyone for anyone and when it's you--I don't blame Jungkook, I am sure he fell for you the first time he saw you." Jimin calmly says, cups his face and Taehyung whines, sniffles again.

"No Chim! Don't say that, I don't want to think about any of it-- love? --He has responsibilities, he is going to be the ruler soon, how could he say that-- how could he-- don't he know pangjin?" Taehyung chokes on his sob and Jimin quickly gives him water.

"He knows everything, but it's not his fault, he fell for you--"

"Chim, don't say this please-please shout on me, yell at me please say that it is something else, but don-don't talk a-about love." his voice gets shaky.

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