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Jungkook embraced him tightly in his arms last night, provided the security, the comfort Taehyung was craving for, he slept like there's nothing that will hurt him if he stays in his Jungkook's arms. Though, he feels soo cold and alone right now, he woke up to an empty bed. Jungkook isn't in the room. Taehyung panicked first but eventually calmed himself. His eyes fall on the note on the side table.

You don't have to go out of the room. Sleep and stay put, Seokjin hyung will bring you breakfast. Rest up!

He smiles looking at the note. However, it is way too early to wake up, it's still dark outside. Taehyung pouts, why did Jungkook left soo early?


The prince punched the sand bag soo hard, keeps doing that without wearing any gloves. His knuckles turned red and close to bleeding, but he didn't care. He was just in a thin top and a thin pant in the cold weather soo early in the practice ground.

"Jungkook!" Jongin enters the grounds and rushes when he sees Jungkook punching the bag madly without stopping.

"What the hell are you doing? Stop it!" Jongin yells but Jungkook is in no mood of stopping, his ears goes deaf to all the shouting, sweat dripping down everywhere on his body, an angry dangerous frown sits on the top of his head.

"What is wrong with you?" Jongin shouts and holds his hands, stopping him from hitting the bag. Jungkook breaths heavily, chest heaving up and down. He looks dangerous, murderous, a deadly glint in his eyes. Jongin steps back a little when he looked in his eyes.

"J-Jungkook? What happened?" Jongin carefully asks.

"He fucking touched Taehyung!" Jungkook closes his eyes, breathes out, furiously punches the bag again.

Jongin gasps in shock.

"Fucking ask the secret team to catch him! I am going to kill him!" Jungkook shouts outrageously.

Jongin forcefully stops him and settles him down on the bench. It was after some minutes that the prince calms and fills in Jongin about the last night.


"Why is he after Lee suddenly?" The king says, confusion lacing his face.

"Why not? He is roaming around in our kingdom freely, why is he even here?" The queen replies.

"He's just roaming around, let him be." The king yawns.

"Are you out of your mind majesty! He tried to kill our son twice and still you didn't get it? He's after Jungkook!" The queen shouts. Seokjin agrees with the queen but stays silent.

"Namjoon, help Jungkook in anything he wants, catch the Lee king and you take orders from me from now on!" She glares at the king, she don't understand why the king is taking it soo lightly. The king shakes his head, unfazed.

Namjoon bows and leaves the room. The queen drops one more deadly glare at the king and leaves furiously, with Seokjin following behind.


Taehyung was trying to distract his mind by sitting in the balcony feeding the birds, he even had lunch with Seokjin but still the scenes were replaying in his mind again and again. And why Jungkook isn't back yet? Taehyung wants him near but he didn't even pay a single visit.

And to think about the note-- it was plain, simple, no hearts, no sweet words nothing.

It seems Jungkook is avoiding him. Taehyung feels tears stinging in his eyes at the thought. He was holding him soo tight last night, keeps kissing his forehead and hair. Jungkook would never avoid him.

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