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Jungkook left in the morning. The weather was fine, it was just snowing, the wind has stopped. Taehyung was soo worried because his fever hasn't gone down, he said he'll walk him to the palace but Jungkook chuckled and said that he's fine and is able to walk back.

Taehyung gave him an umbrella and even made him wear his warm sweater, then wrapped a scarf around his neck. Jungkook was  soo overwhelmed at the care but he controlled his heart and half heartedly left.

The prince was summoned by the king to the meeting room. Border chief Jung Hoseok's letter has came and the prince need to leave for the borders, the Chois' are against any compromise.

Taehyung thought about going back to the palace. Jimin's words crossed his mind and he thinks Jimin was right, if he keeps himself away from the prince, Jungkook will long for him more. It's better to be around him, Taehyung would stay around him with certain conditions, and he is sure that Jungkook would soon grew tired of Taehyung and would realize that it's not love, and that he should just focus on the kingdom and himself.

"Prince Jungkook left with Chief commander, his personal guards and around five hundred royal guards." Seokjin informs Taehyung, who finally came back to the palace the next day.

"What? Where? Why-why didn't he tell me anything?" Taehyung was shocked.

"And why does he need soo much protection, it's just the borders, right?"

And Seokjin explains him about the land dispute, and Chief Jung's letter. Jungkook left the morning he returned from Taehyung's house.

"S-so y-you are saying that h-he might get attacked?" Taehyung asks and his eyes already brimmed up with tears.

"I-its just a possibility, Taehyung. Don't worry too much." Seokjin himself was sounding worried.

"He-he didn't even said anything t-to me, and he had a fever hyung." Taehyung whispers, his lower lip wobbles and his eyes can't hold back the tears.

"It was on a very short notice Taehyung." Seokjin hugs him. And after seeing Taehyung's worry, he is convinced that Taehyung does feel the same for the prince. Seokjin feels elated, he hugs him tighter.

My little Jungkookie deserves him, they both deserve each other.

They both are startled when they hear shouts and cries from the palace. They breaks the hug and ran out of the kitchen to see what's happening. The servers and maids are running through the corridors finding place to hide.

Seokjin grabs a servers hand.

"W-what's happening?"

"H-head chef, the palace is under attack, many assassins infiltrated, just run or hide somewhere." he said and ran away. Taehyung's and Seokjin's eyes widened, they look at each other and then they see few men in black robes with swords are coming in their direction.

Seokjin draws his sword and grabs Taehyung's hand who looks kind of shocked and is frozen at his spot.

They ran inside the kitchen and just then five to six assassins dressed completely black enters the royal kitchen. Seokjin fights with his sword, attacking them on their legs and arms and on stomachs.

"Taehyung snap out of it!" Taehyung was behind him. And Seokjin's voice brings him out of the shock. He grabs a long knife and fights with them, bending and attacking them on their legs. Soon they takes them down.

"H-hyung what's happening?" Taehyung asks, his hands are shaking and he looks scared.

"I don't know Taehyung. We-we need to find my Soobinie. " Seokjin says in a rush and is ready to run out of the kitchen, his worry for his son clear on his face but he is controlling his tears.  Taehyung stops him by grabbing his hand.

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