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The arrangements by Lees are always grand and impressive. Just like the palace, the dinner hall looked too shiny and luxurious.
There is a big dining table in the center, and a huge silver chandelier was hanging in the middle, the room is so bright.
The table is decorated with a lot and lot of delicious looking foods.
Royals keep entering, followed by their servants and guards in their heavy robes, looking charasmatic in their own ways.
Lee king is standing at the head of the table , waiting for everyone's arrival amd bowimg to those who have already arrived . Prince Jae Joong and Princess Jiwon just by his sides.

Prince Jungkook enters with his server and two guards behind him. And everyone was like in a daze, looking at the prince.
He has that power, he renders everyone speechless, he really is that charming.
And even his guards and server looks like some royals, too attractive, appealing.

It is a glamorous sight.

And this is the reason, few other royals loathes prince Jungkook, he always steals the limelight, he always attracts the attention without even trying.

How can someone be this perfect?

Some of them snorts and rolled their eyes. The king passes a welcoming smile and Jungkook returns it. Almost everyone has arrived and starts taking their seats.
Princess Jiwon tries to sit beside Jungkook, but he immediately searched for the people he likes in the room.

Prince Park Chanyeol and Princess Kim Jisoo.
Taehyung, Jongin and Eunwoo stood behind Jungkook supressing their laughs when they saw how fast their prince walked to them to avoid princess Jiwon.

Jungkook hugs them one by one.

"It is soo good to see you both"

"Likewise Prince Jungkook!" Jisoo replies with a radiant smile.

"When I received the letter from uncle and got to know you were coming, I immediately ask father to let me go here"
Prince Park says and Jungkook can't stop himself from chuckling.

"I am glad you came hyung!"

"I have to, its really so long we have seen each other and I couldn't even make it to your birthday"

"And that's what I am going to say, you missed all the fun Prince Chanyeol" princess Jisoo says and winks at Jungkook.
And prince park looks at Jungkook with a knowing glance.

"heard you had fun after drinking!" prince park teases.

"Please don't remind me of that"and the trio laughs gathering attention from the others.

The king then clanks two glasees together bringing everyone's attention.

"I am soo glad to have you all here  today, Thank you for joining in the Lee Kingdom's grand celebration. So, as you all know prince Jae Joong will be titled officially as the crown prince, the ceremony and rituals are to be held tomorrow. For now, I welcome you all heartly, It is soo good to see all the royals gathering at our palace, I hope our relations stay like this for a long time. Let's enjoy the dinner for now!" he says and raise the toast.
The others reply him with raising their glasses. Though, it is just a short, sweet, welcoming speech but majority of them honestly never wanted to come here.
Few minions of theirs even hugged the Lee king.

The dinner is served and now it was time for the servants to test it before their respective royal eat.
It is always like that, a royal always eats after the food is tested by a server, in case if someone poisoned the food.

So, the servers came forward, Taehyung too. But before they tests, prince Jungkook interupts.

"Dear majesty I would like to take your permission to say something before any of our servers test the food!"
Everyone halts and looks at Jungkook, in anticiaption.
King Lee smiles and nods.

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