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The next day Taehyung left his home early, he has been informed that princess Joohyun will be arriving and she is going to stay for few days, would spend her new year with the prince.

He feels a strange ache in his heart when he think about the fact that, he himself helped the prince to write to Hongs' for the princess's stay and how it is good to spend more and more time with each other and get to know the other more.
And the princess is decent and all, good for Jungkook etc. But now that she's finally coming and would be latched to the prince, Taehyung feels salty about that and he have no idea but he's unconsciously sulking.

Queen Jeon Hana was so happy to welcome her, she herself checked the guest room- if it is arranged perfectly.

The Jeons' waited at the gates for the princess, soon her carriage entered followed by Jeon royal guards, who trailed behind her wagon from the borders on order.

The curtains to the carriage were opened by her maids. She stepped out and her foot slipped and she lost her balance, she shrieks but before she fall-- Jungkook's personal guard in a reflex held her hand, saving her.

"Careful princess!" Jongin utters in a rushed tone. She relaxes, getting back on her feet.

"T-thank you." she smiles at him, he bows politely.

The prince and others rushes towards the carriage when they saw her slip.

"Are you alright?" queen Hana asks her and she smiles nods assuringly.

"I am fine, her highness. It was a long journey my legs got wobbly sitting in the carriage." she says with a little smile.

She does her greeting to the king and the queen.

The queen smiles and  subtly holds both Jungkook's and Joohyun's hand and make them hold each other's hands.

"Well, welcome to Pangjin, I hope you'd have a pleasant stay."  she grins widely. Joohyun is unfazed, but Jungkook don't want to hold her hand. He looks slightly back to Taehyung, who had his eyes on the ground with a permanent respectful bow like all the other servants.

"Greetings princess Joohyun." finally Jungkook greets her and as much as he don't want it he have to do it-- he pecks the back of her hand -- a gesture every prince has to do.

"Greetings to you too prince Jungkook." she replies with a subtle smile.

The whole day went like that -- lunch with the princess, stroll in the garden in the evening, etc. Jungkook and the princess were together talking, smiling. It was dinner time and Taehyung was with the other servers and maids, setting the dinning table.

And-- he was continuously rolling his eyes because---

"Princess looks so beautiful."

"They both look too good together."

"Have you seen how they were holding hands?"

"Yeah, and she was holding our prince's arm in the garden, I saw they were laughing and they goes along well."

"Our prince will have such a strong and pretty queen beside him when he'll become the king."

The maids were simping over them and it was unpleasant to Taehyung's ear. They had a perfect night and today they are like strangers, Taehyung was behind the prince but most of the time the princess dismiss every server wanting privacy with the prince. And, he haven't seen him since afternoon, the princess went with the prince to the flower field.

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