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"Won't you look at me?" he questions, smiling smugly. Taehyung just bowed, already feeling uneasy.
Jongin stepped a little closer to Taehyung.

"Am I ugly, unlike your Charming prince?"
Taehyung don't know what to say, he shakes his head.
He want to say -- yes you are ugly, how are you even comparing youself to my prince.
But he didn't.

"Then why are you not looking at me?"

Why are you even talking to me you ugly potatoe.

"Hey, I am talking to you" he says and steps towards Taehyung, and he is reeking of the wine.  Taehyung steps back at the instant and his back touches Jongin chest. He relaxes that at least Jongin is here.
Taehyung was not scared when he stood a bit away, but when he stepped even more close Taehyung's heart almost stopped, the disgusting cologne made him sick, Jae Joong was throwing himself at Taehyung and if not for Jongin, Jae Joong would have touched him and that thought alone made Taehyung shudder.

Jongin is fuming because Jae Joong's eyes are traveling on Taehyung from top to bottom. He was checking him out with other intentions.

"My apologies crown prince, but he-he do not talk much to new people" Jongin says politely, with a bow. His voice naturally raspy.
Jae Joong raises his eyebrows at that.

"Impressive! So, Jeon Kingdom even provides a personal guard to a server!!" he irritably says that to Jongin.
Jongin doesn't say anything, his fist tightens.
"Well, who knows Jeons' will start this new trend as well" he chuckles sarcastically. Taehyung is feeling trapped, its suffocating to even stand in Prince Jae Joong's proximity.

"Ohh! Co'mon I am the crown prince talk to me at least pretty boy!"
He says again, but Taehyung is looking down at his feet.
Taehyung didn't budge.

"You can stay with your prince in the same room, but you can't even bless me with a look, gorgeous?"

Taehyung bites his lower lip. He wanted to smack him. But he is also scared. He do not want a scene to be created because of him. His eyes stings with tears, Prince Jungkook already gave his best to impress the Lees', he do not want to trouble him more.

"Well, I was shocked when I heard the one and only server of Prince Jeon is staying with him in the same room. But, I don't blame him-- I mean look at you" he licks his lips. Taehyung is feeling soo uncomfortable. He leanes back more into Jongin.
Jongin wanted to just unsheath his sword and ---

"Apologies Crown prince! They are waiting for the wine, he have to serve" Jongin again speaks.

Jae Joong tsks.

"I'll ask others to do that, let me have a converastion or--- I suggest you go and serve" he says to Jongin. And Taehyung shivers at the thought.

"I would be glad to take your order crown prince but I already have orders from my prince to look after his personal server, as he is new in the kingdom he do not know things" Jongin politely says.
And Taehyung feels like he can breathe again.

"Looks like I have to have a talk with your prince, I want one last gift from him" he says and gulps  his wine tilting his head as his eyes trailed to Taehyung and that very moment Taehyung smells his favourite fragrance, he feels Jongin's touch from his back disappear but he did not panick. He knows someone else is here. He relaxes when he hears him.

"I think I am done giving presents to you Crown prince!" Jungkook  rasps as he holds Taehyung's wrist softly and pulls him behind him.

"Oh! My favourite prince! I am just deciding to came to you" he says as he puts the glass away.

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