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The journey to Pangjin was rough. Though, Jungkook didn't realize when they reached as he kept drifting off to sleep because Taehyung mixed the medicinal sleeping herbs in his water so that he can rest.

Soon, they reached the main market but what they witness confused them. Taehyung got out of the carriage and helped Jungkook get off. The streets were silent, not a single soul is visible. Chief Hoseok knocked on the door, even barged in some houses but no one is there.

Everything is in its place, there is no evidence of any commotion or quarrel. It's like wherever the people go, they went voluntarily. It was all so confusing. Everyone shares a confused look, the guards keep checking the houses but they are empty, with no trace of a single person.

But, then they hear a cry of a baby coming from a house. Chief Hoseok, Sehun, and Jungkook's guards take defensive front and cautiously approach the house. The guards protect Jungkook, standing around him armed. Jungkook is still low on energy but still draws his sword, Taehyung does the same.

Sehun kicks the door open, chief Hoseok enters the house eyes searching everywhere, then he hears the sound coming from a room. He enters the room and there they find a woman with her baby, hiding.

She looked scared but heaves a sigh of relief when she sees Chief Hoseok and the guards of her kingdom.

"I-I thought you were the previous king's people." She stutters getting up with her child.

Chief Hoseok looks at her with questioning eyes.

"You are safe! Come out first!" He says getting out of the house. She follows.

"King Jungkook!" She happily lets out when she sees him.

"Y-you are safe!" She whispers, happy to see the prince. Jungkook is perplexed.

"What happened here? Where's everyone?" He asks a frown sits at the top of his head.

"Queen Hana addressed the people-- the previous king abducted prince Jimin and she appealed to everyone to find him. Some-Someone saw a carriage going towards the forest with prince Jimin in it and everyone is following it, they spotted the previous king in the forest and the whole Pangjin is searching the forest, they-they all will bring our prince back safely, everyone's soo angry on the previous king, they'll kill him once they'll see him!" She gives the information. Jungkook nods in acknowledgment, thanking her.

"Let's go to the forest!" Jungkook hastily says. He won't wait for another second. His brother is in the clutches of his monstrous father. Who knows what he'll do in this madness.

"Jung--" Taehyung stops when he watches the determined glint in Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook shakes his head at him asking him not to stop him.
Jungkook looks at Jongin.

"Hyung, bring Taehyung to the palace--" Taehyung interrupts him.

"I am going with you!" Taehyung says stubbornly.


"No!" He finalized. Jungkook knows Taehyung is as stubborn as him.

Taehyung knows he won't stop, even Taehyung himself won't stop, they need to save Jimin. A guard immediately brings a horse for Jungkook. Jungkook climbs on it, Taehyung climbs on the other one. They all leave towards the forest. Jungkook makes sure to slow down a little so that Taehyung would catch up.

The prince is amazed when he sees every person of Pangjin scattered in the forest searching for their elder prince. They bow and hail Jungkook's name when they see him passing by in full fury. He isn't their king yet but seems they have accepted him as their king.

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