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It was a summer day, sun was at its peak, those radient, harsh rays falling directly on the ground making it a lot hotter that one can't even walk bare foot. The hot wind was making people sick and dehydrated and render them searching for some cool water or a drink. Despite the killing sun here we have the energetic boy, with that heart winning smile of his serving the customers the refreshing fruit drinks that his parents are making at the city diner. He didn't cared about his feets, just running around attending some good, some rude customers at the city's busiest diner.  His mother keep shouting at him asking him to wear his slippers but he didn't cared.

The scroaching heat lessened when the evening approached. It was the time when Taehyung usually get back home if customers are less. He takes his time in getting home, no matter how tired he gets, he plays with the adorable little children on the way,  greets the elderly with his bubbly smile, and lastly stops at his favourite spot, the lake. Located just near his house but a little inside the forest.

Taehyung dipped his feets inside the water, it was cool and he relaxes. He just got back from his Granny's house, he was living with her since he was five. But now that he turned 16 his parents called him back so that he could help them at the diner and sent their younger son Kim yeonjun to live with her.
Though Taehyung showed that bright smile of his,  he was sad and hurting, he missed his granny and the fun time he spent with her. Didn't even have that good of a bond with his parents that his little brother has. Though he knows his busy parents loves him the same. Still he needs affection from them, he felt lonely.
Its been two months since he is working in the diner and the lake and his happy memories with his granny were his only escape.

And he noticed a small figure for  the last two months, sitting few trees away from him, deep in its thought, absentmindedly throwing stones in the lake. But he never aporoached them.
He didn't know if it was a girl or a boy, because they were covered in a black cloak and only their side view is visible. Few times he thought of appraoching, but didn't. And that day he saw the figure crying and he couldn't stop himself from going there.

"Hey! Are you okay?"
Taehyung asked the person.
The person was startled and his cloak fell off from his head and reveled his beautiful face, bloodshot eyes and red button nose. Now Taehyung knew he was a boy. He was crying hard.
And by looking at his state Taehyung's eyes filled up.
He in a hurry covered his face with his cloak.
"It's okay, I'll pretend I didn't see your face." Taehyung giggles a little.

"Please leave me alone!" The person whispered.

Taehyung pouts, he can't handle people being upset he wants to cheer the dull boy, he instantly got an idea and ran towards his own spot and took out the pack of strawberries from his bag and ran back to the person.

He took out few in his hand and extended towards the mysterious person.

"They are my favourite but I am sharing them with you, do you know what it means--"

Now the person couldn't stop himself from replying to the very kind Taehyung.

But he still keeps quiet, just shook his head a little.

"Okay I will tell you." Taehyung excitedly sit beside him and took the persons hand in his own and placed the strawberries. The person flinched a little but took the strawberries anyway.

"If Taetae shares his strawberries with you means he cares a lot for you and he want you to be his friend." Taehyung speaks cutely referring himself in third person.

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