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"Give me a kiss or let me call you 'my queen' whenever and wherever I want." The prince shamelessly says and folds his hand on his chest. Taehyung gets red like a tomato. He gets up.

"Choose!" Jungkook smirks.

"Do whatever the hell you want!" Taehyung says, removes the scarf quickly and puts it in his bag and ran to the door. The prince chuckles.

"Means you chose the second option, my queen." The prince shouts as Taehyung is almost out of the door.
Jungkook laughs.

"What happened to your face, why is it red?" Seokjin asks the first thing when Taehyung enters the kitchen. And Taehyung gets even redder.


"Princess Joohyun and Hongs' will arrive early in the morning tomorrow." Queen Hana informs the prince at the breakfast table.

"Ok." He nods.

"We've talked through letters and they are coming with preparations for the engagement." His father says.

"Engagement? At this meet itself?" the prince asks, a little frown sits on his forehead.

"Yes, Jungkook. And select a ring by today, we should be prepared as well." She says and the king nods agreeing with her. Jungkook briefly looks at his side where Taehyung stood, his head was down in respect.

"You can choose it from the shop in the market or the goldsmith will come here if you want?" the king asks. Jungkook closes his eyes briefly, inaudibly sighs. He got himself in the mess.

"I-I will go to the market." He says and gets up, his mood is ruined.

"At least finish your breakfast." she says.

"I am not hungry, and I have to read the rolls." He says and doesn't wait to hear anything more. Taehyung follows him.

He runs his hand in his hair once he enters the library. He walked here so fast, didn't even paid a little attention, so, he don't know Taehyung was following him. It's when he hears the door of the library shut, he turns around and sees him.

He relaxes and walks to him. Taehyung was just looking at him and he isn't surprised when Jungkook slowly wraps his arms around his waist and hugs him, forehead rests on Taehyung's shoulder.

He don't speak anything just keeps hugging him and Taehyung understands how he is feeling, because he himself is feeling the same. Taehyung doesn't hug him back, he wanted to do it so bad but he don't want to give Jungkook even a little hope. He can never take princess Joohyun's place even if he want to soo badly and he knows that.

Jungkook breaks the hug and gives Taehyung a little smile.

"Will you go with me to the market for the ring selection?" He asks and it hurts Taehyung but he nods.

"We'll go in the evening." He says and Taehyung nods again.

"I have some work to do, you can go home if you want." The prince caresses his cheek, Taehyung closes his eyes.

"I can stay here and help, you'll feel less stressed." Taehyung says opening his eyes and Jungkook giggles.

"I'd love that but I really have something important to do, send Jongin hyung instead." He softly says and Taehyung mumbles a little ok.

"I'll bring you the tea." Jungkook nods, Taehyung looks obviously worried for him. He opens the door and leaves.

Jongin comes some minutes later with the tea.

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