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-- The chief commander, Min Yoongi.

Yoongi hyung gives those flowers to Jungkook?

Taehyung is confused, why does Yoongi not give them himself?

Taehyung has questions. When Yoongi is gone and Jongin passes Taehyung.

"Jongin hyung!" Taehyung stops him, stepping out of the pillar.

Jongin stops in his tracks his face going pale as if he's caught doing something he isn't supposed to do.

"Taehyung? What are you-you doing here?" Jongin stuttered a little making Taehyung doubt him more.

"I can ask you the same?" Taehyung says, his eyes then lands on the roses-- the same ribbon.

Jongin laughs awkwardly.

"I-I was kind of got late in returning from the valley house, So, I asked Yoongi hyung to bring them for me." He says justifies himself.

"Where do you buy this ribbon from?" Taehyung asks. Jongin looks conflicted.

"I don't know, Yoongi hyung must have brought it from the market." He laughs blinking away the nervousness.

"Not just today, I see it in every bunch you bring for young prince." Taehyung states.

"Ahh! Taehyung why are we discussing over a ribbon soo much, let's just go inside and give Jungkook the roses!" He says, smiling too wide and walks forward.

"But hyung--"

"Come on Taehyung!" He says and turns to the palace gates.

Taehyung follows him, he has a lot many things in his mind that's creating a mess.

The person in Jungkook's dreams!
The ribbons!
The room adjacent to Jungkook's!
The scarf I found in Jimin's almirah--and the name on it!
Yoongi hyung bringing Jongin hyung the flowers for Jungkook!

It could be just a coincidence that the ribbon is same somehow. But- but the name on the scarf-- it can't be a coincidence!

Taehyung don't know if it's right to confirm it or should he just ignore it?

Jongin and him went on their separate ways, he went to the royal kitchen. The head chef was cooking, humming a tune.

"Taehyung, you came on time, come help me with the lid!" Seokjin say holding the one side of a lid on a big pot.

"S-sure hyung." Taehyung says still lost in his thoughts.

"Careful it too hot!" He warns but Taehyung has already touched it without using any cloth.

"Ahhh!" He drops it back on the pot.

"Taeh--" Seokjin comes to his side instantly.

"My-my hand, Ahh!" His hand burns, gets red instantly.

The chef drags him to the sink and opens the tap on his hand, the cold water run through it and Taehyung feel the thud on his fingers slowing down.

"Owww!" Taehyung breaths out.

"It was obviously hot, couldn't you be a little careful!" Seokjin scolds and Taehyung was just blowing on his hand.

"Come sit here let me apply something on it!" Seokjin says drags a stool and Taehyung sits on it, his eyes brimmed with few tears at the burn.

Seokjin gets some herbs and sits beside him dragging another stool.

While he was in the middle of applying, Taehyung gets lost again in his thoughts then it clicks him, Seokjin is close to Jungkook.

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