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Taehyung knows he's a mere server, he knows that once the truth will be out people will have a lot to say, many comments will be thrown at him. Heck! He have no idea what will happen to them, people will try to tear them apart, will try to snatch Jungkook away from him, he don't know if he would remain safe in Pangjin. He knows he isn't a match for Jungkook, the one and only prince of Pangjin, the future king. They are miles apart from each other, their positions, status don't match. He knows Jungkook can get a lot of beautiful princess'. He's a dream of many, and they wants to marry the righteous, handsome, charming prince,

Sometimes, all of it feels like a dream to Taehyung-- a beautiful dream in which Jungkook is madly in love with him, he feels like Jungkook would fade away from his sight, from his life.

But, the purity with which Jungkook loves him erases all of his insecurity and fears -- he loves him hard and true. He loves him with all his heart, all his honesty. Taehyung is the same, he could never imagine Jungkook going away from him, he feels like he won't be able to breath, even the thought of it makes him suffocated. Jungkook is his life, he don't know when did he fell soo hard for him. Now, it doesn't matter if he's a server, it doesn't matter if Jungkook is a royalty, what matters is they loves each other soo deeply, soo truely, soo madly. Jungkook is his and he's Jungkook's.

Taehyung's smiles at his thoughts but his mood is still sour, he is still mad at himself for overthinking. After talking to Jimin, he came back to his house instead of going to the palace.

He didn't even say anything to Jungkook before leaving. Jungkook must be waiting for him, would think Taehyung is avoiding him. Taehyung was on his bed, holding the red scarf close to his chest, sniffing it, cuddling with it, he then throws his legs in the air laying on his back, whining.

He keeps doing that, rolls over, groaning in his pillow. Then again on his back does a fist fight with the air, again throws his legs in the air.

Jungkook chuckles standing outside his open window, he shakes his head at Taehyung's silliness. Taehyung is still unaware of his presence.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Taehyung says to himself, pouts clutching his pillow.

"Jungkookieee, come to me plwesseeee!" He whines like a kid, looks at the scarf, hugs it, trying to smell Jungkook's faint scent in it but it's faded, it smells like his own rosey scent more now, Taehyung makes a crying sound, his lower lip jutted out. He wants Jungkook near him. He buries his face in the pillow whining into it.

Jungkook knocks on the window pane, and Taehyung sits up instantly looking outside the window.

"J-Jungkook." He softly murmurs. Eyes going wide in surprize and face covered with a big smile, Jungkook points at the balcony door, Taehyung nods and quickly gets up, opens the door.

Taehyung calms his beating heart.

I won't be shy anymore, it's just my Jungkook.

He takes a step back and Jungkook stands at the door frame, taking in Taehyung's appearance. He's in his night clothes, and the bottom wasn't even there, just his long thin peach coloured top that reaches his mid-thighs, his shoulders and collarbones are on a complete display.

Or I can be shy again? Stop looking at me like that My Jungkookie!

He was already melting because of the intensity with which Jungkook was openly checking him out and a sudden gust of wind send shivers over Taehyung's body.

Jungkook wastes no time in embracing his delicate frame in his strong arms. Taehyung fists his cloak on his chest stepping closer, Jungkook's fresh and strong cologne invading his senses and he feels calm-- this is real Jungkook is here.

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