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Note: As of October 28, 2021 (as I am currently typing), I am officially no longer updating these one-shots as I am now focusing on other projects. I would like to thank each and every one of you that has supported me throughout this imagines collection, and I hope my work has kept you hooked enough for you to stay with me on more stories I may publish in the future. That being said, I am planning on another Nightwing-related multi-chapter fanfic to be released in the near future (ideally around January), so I definitely recommend to follow for updates!

Note: As of January 7, 2022, I have not yet finished the aforementioned fanfic. As I plan to release each chapter under a fixed schedule, I will need more time to finish drafts and proofread to make sure that my best work is put forward and make your wait worthwhile. Since I am currently returning to college and trying to balance school with two jobs, I see this story coming out around April at the latest. If you're generous enough to support me beyond votes, comments, or a follow, feel free to buy me a ko-fi (! Anyways, I would like to thank all of you again for reading! I love seeing notifications and knowing that there are still people out there who enjoy my work! 

Hey, it's Jen here!

I have been working on this collection since May 18th, 2020. If it hasn't been made clear already, this is a collection of reader inserts dedicated to Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing. Majority of these imagines will be SFW one-shots, unless stated otherwise. I apologize in advance since my works here will be primarily aimed toward female readers, and for now, I won't be putting up any headcanons.

Though I do not object to others leaving requests, I feel it's important to address that not every single request I receive will be answered. I want to stay whelmed, work at my own pace, and give myself the freedom to work on other projects (so pretty much not chained down to these imagines alone). However, do feel free to leave requests in the comments!

Expect a lot of Young Justice!Dick Grayson here, I try very hard not to let it dominate every single imagine, but it's the version of the first Boy Wonder I'm most comfortable writing about.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and feel the aster ;)

Bonus: Spotify playlists for you to stream as you read through <3

Bonus: Spotify playlists for you to stream as you read through <3

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Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now