Chapter 3~•☆A hooded argument before shopping☆•

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A couple of months later the twins were free from school due to spring break and Skyler thought that this was the time to go shopping after school supplies and everything her youngest children would need. Gosh, she could barely believe that this was really happening and she could only imagine how Atticus senior would react. Meadow and AJ are going to grow up to be half werewolf and witch/wizard and Skyler couldn't be more happier for them. Powerful creatures, they might grow up to and maybe they will fight for what they think is right.

Skyler looked up from the newspaper and then she turned around to flip the last remaining pancake. Pancakes are one of the best things in the world but they are significant annoying to make. Sighing at the sight of the ruined pancake that had a tear in the middle. Maybe pancakes weren't her best side. Atleast they are tasty she thought when she ate the third broken pancake in frustration.
Anyways it was now nine in the morning and she wondered when the two munchkins would wake up. They sure like to sleep.

All of a sudden noises and rumblings came from upstairs and this indicated that the two sleepy heads had finally risen up. A couple of minutes later Meadow came running down the stairs with AJ following closely behind her. Something was up Skyler thought before Meadow ran to her and then hid behind her back.

"Mom, Meadow punched me in the face with a pillow", AJ complained and his mother raised an eyebrow at him. If Meadow would wake AJ up on that way he probably had slept in more than he should.
"And why did that happen?", she asked and then she looked at Meadow who was trying to avoid her mother's eyes.

"It's not my bloody fault that my dear brother wouldn't wake up. For a moment there I thought you was dead", Meadow said grimacing at her brother before she hid behind her mom once again.

"I am not dead and the reason I slept in was because of you. This night you was waddling around the bedroom, moving my drawer to the other side of the bedroom before you started a marathon around everywhere and down the hall to your room and back once again. Like seriously Meadow, if you are going to sleep walk then do it in your own room", explained AJ a little annoyed at his sister. Normally they slept in their basement together since they was used to sharing a room but due to their minor argument of a sweater they began to sleep in their own bedroom which they had done for two days now and they hadn't lasted a disagreement more than that before.

"So lock your bloody door than AJ! I can't decide where I go when I'm asleep, I don't know what I'm doing but you know everything you do when you are awake so I still don't get why you took my favourite hoodie", she stammered with her voice raising. Skyler just stood there shaking her head wondering how she would end this tiny fight they had. She thought that being a mom was going to be easy but being a mom for twins was a little harder than she thought.

"That hoodie was mine in the beginning Med! You stole it from me so I took it back. That hoodie was a gift from my best friend", he replied getting more and more irritated.

"You don't have any friends at school Junior and neither do I so your best friend is me so that sweater is technically mine", Meadow said smirking which caused Skyler to chuckle while AJ tried to find a response. Meadow was right about them not having any friends at school since most people hated them for some reason.

"I ain't gonna deny that but ask the next time pretty please", he said letting his arms drop to the side it defeat.

"Fine, are we done arguing now because I need that hoodie for today", Meadow muttered and AJ rolled his eyes.

"But- you know, okay you can wear it today as long I can borrow your pink shirt", AJ said bluntly.

"Deal", she stated before she threw her arms around her brother who was still taller than her. She hadn't hugged him for days and she really missed doing so, arguing wasn't their thing to say it short.
An hour later they were all buckled up in the car and they were now driving down London. AJ had his gaze fasten out the window, watching the world pass by at every second. Meadow did the same thing but from the backseat. Although she always want to sit in the front, she never had the heart to do so when she knew that her brother would get car sick easily if he was sitting in the back seat.

"Where are we actually going", asked Meadow in curiosity. She didn't know any places in London that would sell things like magical school books and wands. She didn't even know if shops like that existed but they probably did since where would witches and wizards get the ingredients for spells from?
Skyler didn't answer she just kept driving and Meadow sunk back into the seat. It was probably going to be a surprise and gosh how much she hated surprises. She couldn't bear them or tolerate them since she hated the unknown. Although she didn't fear the unknown she still hated it.
Minutes flew by and it almost felt like time didn't exist for a moment.
Suddenly Skyler stopped the car at a parking lot and this probably meant that they were at this magical shop.

"We are somewhat here, we just need to take a little stroll and then magic awaits", Skyler said and mimicking a rainbow and this made the twins giggle. Skyler got out of the car and the same thing did Meadow and AJ.

"Glad it isn't raining, finally one sunny day. It's going to be a good day", Meadow sang making AJ stare at her in wonder. It had been a while since Meadow was in such a good mood.

"Someone is being a beaming sunshine right now", AJ told and then he took his hand over his sisters' shoulders. When his twin is in a good mood then he is in a very good mood. Their mom smiled at the sight of how good her youngest children got along and she started walking somewhere and AJ and Meadow followed after while they were skipping their way.
After a little walk, they stopped in front of a shop or more like a pub and the twins traded a glance with each other.

"Are we going in there? We aren't old enough to go to a pub", AJ explained and Skyler quickly ruffled her son's hair. Ay was all AJ mounted and he shrugged when Meadow was laughing at him.

"We are just going to pass through alright little genius", their mom replied and she pushed open the door. A bell rang at the opening door and the twins were hesitant entering but Meadow shook off the nonsense and then she grabbed AJ's hand and then started following after their mom.
They got looks from people that turned around and this made Meadow rather uncomfortable so she squeezed her brothers hand tightly.
Skyler came to the door at the very back of the pub and they walked through it only to come out to some kind of alley for garbage.

"Let's see, three bricks up from that bin and two across," Skyler thought out loud before she tapped the location of the brick she was talking about. All of a sudden the bricks started moving to the sides and then an archway appeared. Blimey the surprised looks on Meadow and AJ was priceless thought their mom before she strolled to the other side with the twins following after and they were still skipping.

For the twins, their eyes went wide open in enchantment. This didn't seem like London anymore. This was a whole new street or maybe a whole new world. Shops were scattered all across the street and shop windows were packed with things such as broomsticks, parchment, something that probably was a quill and small glass containers with some liquid or some magical ingredients. This was really something game-changing and AJ was so amused by everything that he almost fell backwards but for his luck Meadow was there to catch him so he didn't fall.

"You okay over there?", Meadow asked in a horrid rush since she was unsure if her brother was doing alright and she was so scared that something was wrong and she didn't want that.

"Yeah, yup I'm one hundred percent fine, I'm just stunned by the view.", he retorted and Meadow let out a relieved breath. "Thanks for catching me", AJ continued and his sister smiled almost as the sunshine itself.

"Always", she replied while she dragged AJ along with her making sure that she wouldn't lose him in the crowd.

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