Chapter 63 Trust and exams

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"But Harry, I don't think it's a good idea to bring Meadow with us", Hermione complained into the relative empty Gryffindor common room. Ron had finally gotten back from the hospital wing and he was much better after what Norbert accidentally did.

"Besides, we both know that if Meadow comes, Nyx will join and is it only me that get the chills from him", Ron added frowning. He didn't know what it was with the Ravenclaw boy but it was something that kept bothering him, like a rain cloud constantly hovering over Nyx's head.

"Guys, we have to find out who Meadow is because I don't think she is telling the whole truth. It's no possible way that she could have heard that I was arguing with the sorting hat and I have seen her sneaking around the hallways at night. I think she knows about the Philosopher's stone and she is after it for some reason", Harry told after he clapped his hands to get his friends attention.

"But for what reason Harry? What could she possibly do with a stone and if she was after it? She can't get past that three-headed dog since she doesn't know that its weakness is music", Hermione claimed trying to talk some sense into Harry but it didn't sound like it was possible.

"I think she can and don't ask why I think that because I don't know. But what I do know, is that I want to keep a close eye on her so we are bringing her with us down that trapdoor", he said not willing to let anyone change his mind.
Hermione was going to talk for hours to explain to Harry that it was a very bad idea to bring Meadow into this but she didn't get the chance to when the portrait hole swung open and it revealed a brown-headed girl with curly hair that looked quite in her own world at the moment.
She walked towards them, the entrance vanished and she dropped herself down on one of the red sofas.

"What even are you guys up to this time?", she asked getting a pillow and placing it on her lap, where she rested her elbows with her chin on her arms.

"We are going through the trapdoor, tomorrow night and we wondered if you wanted to join us and just you alone", Harry said explanatory and Meadow chuckled. She didn't expect to hear them ask since she really didn't spend much time with the golden trio but maybe it was an opportunity waiting for her to grab.

"Are you guys forgetting the Cerberus protecting the trapdoor or are you guys too blind to see it", Meadow muttered shaking her head. She actually didn't care about the Cerberus since she knew it wasn't a problem for her but for the other three, eh, it could go really wrong.

"I knew it!", Hermione blurted since ever since her first meeting with the three-headed dog she had been wondering what sort of creature it was but she never managed to find out exactly what it was but she did have suspicious of the dog being one of the guardians from the underworld.

"We know how to take care of it, Hagrid said that all we needed to do was to play some music and then it will fall asleep. Besides we have to get that stone before it falls in the wrong hands", Harry explained, leaving out the part where he needed to get the stone away from Snape.

"Okay fine I can come on one condition", Meadow said optimistically.

"No he can't come", Ron blurted out because he already knew what his classmate wanted.

"I ain't joining you guys if I can't bring AJ with me so good luck and please try not to get killed", she replied a little disappointed. Ron chuckled because he thought that Nyx was the one Meadow wanted to bring but it was her brother.

"Fine you can bring your brother but no one else hears about this, we can't risk getting into more trouble", Harry told hiding a grin.

"I already have a hutch that we are getting in trouble no matter what we do but just tell me where to met you guys tomorrow and I will be there", Meadow said lowly and let out a small yawn.

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