Chapter 40 The no straight

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"So Nyx, have you thought more about sharing stuff with the rest of the group", Meadow muttered and stared Nyx straight into the eyes. He was sitting in front of her, resting his head on the window and the two of them was the only ones awake. AJ ended up sleeping with his head on the compartment door while Tycho fell asleep on AJ's shoulder. Meadow thought it was rather cute but she just hoped that nobody would open the door because that would be a catastrophe. Hyperion did sleep as well but they found comfort on the compartment floor where they were huddled together with a blanket over them.

"Have you?", he replied with a smirk and Meadow giggled. Of course, she had thought about sharing stuff with Tycho and Nyx (since Rio already knew that she and her twin was werewolves), but she wasn't quite sure if she was ready to share her secrets. One thing she was sure of was that she was going to talk to her mom and ask what she thought about the matter.

"Nah I guess not but anyways. What do you think about those two?", she said pointing over at the two sleeping friends.

"In which way do you mean? Like those two as a thing or how I enjoy being around them?", he casually told grinning. He was quite comfortable being around Meadow because he felt like she understood him in a way that nobody else could do. He didn't want to admit it but he was mostly friends with Meadow than the others and he did feel bad for that. He didn't want to have a favourite in the group but it was something about her that he couldn't figure out what was.

"A thing obviously", she mouthed with a whistle on the end.
"I mean Tycho likes boys and AJ just likes people he wanna like so why not", she continued snickering and well damn what she saw...It was a glimpse in Nyx's eyes that just screamed jealousy.

"Eh, I don't think so. They are both cute but as a couple...Nah doesn't sound like a good match", Nyx claimed scratching his neck.

"And why exactly is that", Meadow asked so curiously that it almost lit curious all over the compartment.

"For starters, Tycho is the humorous class clown and AJ is the artsy dude. Second of all Tycho is more a facts kind of person while AJ is a theory and story kind of bloke. Third of all Tycho is way too smart for AJ and no offence but if they got together, AJ would only hold back Tycho in my opinion since Tycho has a more higher intelligence and AJ he's smart and all but he hangs up on the small details and he doesn't see the whole picture, something that. Tycho does", he explained graciously and Meadow lost her mouth to the floor. She may or may not have figured one of the mysteries behind Nyx.

"You're a Sapio aren't you?", Meadow asked having the biggest grin on her face. She had to thank Stormy later because it was them who thought her and AJ about how many types of love it is out there.
Nyx started a breathy laugh and he was trying to just laugh the matter away but Meadow wouldn't stop glancing at him, waiting for an answer and he damn well knew that she had already figured it out.
"That's why you have been acting more strangely around Tycho for each week you have been getting better known with him", she added in a little mocking tone. She felt bad for AJ though because now it was another man trying to steal his.

"I have no idea how you figured out or how you even know what that is but, yeah I mean I guess so or I think...", he replied and studied the girl in front of him and he knew that he had judged Meadow by the cover. She did know more than it appeared to and she was a genius in her own way.

"You know Stormy right?", she asked leaning behind on the wall. Nyx nodded and it seemed as he wanted to know what she was going to say next.
"Well, Stormy did struggle to figure out what she was so she may or may not have stolen a time-turner once and travelled to the future to collect more information about love and that stuff. So, when AJ and I were kids they taught us about that it was okay to love the person you do because love isn't just black and white. It's covered in rainbows. The reason why some as in you and every other person who uses the label Sapio knows what a Sapio is, it's because Stormy did publish some of her findings in a book called Rainbow Thunder Clouds", Meadow explained tilting her head back and forth at the rhythm of a song she had stuck in her head.

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