Chapter 39 On the way home

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It was time for the Hogwarts Express to get back to King cross for the holidays coming up. Meadow had been voted down when it came to getting Tycho's dog with floo powder but the latter decided to get the dog when they came back home since apparently Tycho only lived across the hill from where the twins home is.
The five of them had found a compartment in the very back of the train and Meadow couldn't stop smiling. When they first arrived at Hogwarts it was only the two of them but now they had gotten three wonderful friends.

"Explain to me once again, why and what were you guys giving Snape the other day?", Tycho asked curiously since he didn't quite understand why someone would give a gloomy Professor like Snape a Christmas gift.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?", AJ muttered carrying the two boxes filled with books. Meadow thought it would be a good idea to let Snape read the diaries that their father had written. She hoped that Snape would at least have something to distract him during Christmas since it didn't look like he had someone to be with.
Meadow placed her box down on the floor and knocked on the door with her left hand and it didn't take long before a sour 'Come in' was heard.
"You're just going to ignore my question, great", AJ mumbled as Meadow opened the door and on the other side was Snape sitting tall on his chair.

"Oh, Miss Moonshard. I didn't expect to see you here", Snape said and Meadow got her box before she walked determined towards the Professor and she dropped the box on his desk and AJ just did the same since he wasn't getting out of this situation.
"And you must be her twin brother. AJ wasn't it? You sure look like your dad", Snape told and AJ let out a frustrated sigh. People always said that and it was true he did look like his father.

"Aha, that is certain anyways Meadow over here wanted to borrow you something. Note it wasn't my idea", AJ explained before he flipped a chair around and sat down beside Snape's desk.

"It's not much but we thought you would like to read these, you know to catch up on the time you was a student here. It's our dad's diaries and may you not ask us how we got those boxes with us. Anyways we thought you could borrow them over the holidays and I'm saying borrowing because we are getting those back. Yeah, uhm that's it, I guess. Have a nice Christmas", Meadow told and she was still not used to being around Snape so she ended up sprinting out from his office, leaving AJ behind. He was about to leave but the door in front of him closed so he just dropped himself back on the chair since now Snape wanted something.

"What do you want?", he asked not trying to sound rude but he probably had failed.

"She still doesn't like me?", Snape questioned and AJ shrugged before he nodded. Meadow didn't like him or anyone who used to be friends with her dad and she just needed time to get used to people.
"We were just delivering some early Christmas gifts or well I mostly did because Meadow sprinting out from his office", AJ muttered.
"And I ended up in a rather awkward conversation with Snape about Meadow and how she was doing and I might have forgotten to say it but Snape also brought up your name into the conversation", he continued while he gazed dead over at Hyperion.

"What, why is my name getting thrown into chats?", Rio replied setting their guard up.

"Something about you maybe ending up as the next Slytherin Prefect or about ducklings dancing in the roof. I don't know, I analysed his office for some escape because I didn't want to be there, so I practically didn't listen to whatever Snape said but I did hear your name", he told exhausted. He hadn't slept well and this time it was because he was worried about Meadow getting caught because his sister decided that, Meh it's the last day before a holiday, what are the professors going to do, put coal in my stocking. So she bloody decided to camp in the Ravenclaw dormitory and it did create some odd and not happy comments from Michael, Terry and Anthony for needing to share the room with a girl for the night but when Meadow brought chocolate frogs as gifts they changed their mood.

"You're still mad at me aren't you? It's not my fault that you couldn't sleep so don't blame me", Meadow murmured as AJ yawn which he ended up chucking on.

"It was your fault because you can be a tiny bit ruthless and careless about the rules. Like you broke over ten just in one hour. Being out of the dorm after the hours, being in some different house dorm and sleeping at the Ravenclaw tower", he defended sighing.

"Well excuse me but you didn't bother waking me up. I was planning on sneaking back to my dorm but I fell asleep so I deeply apologise once again", Meadow argued joyfully. It was normal for the twins to have small stupid arguments now and then.

"Okay stop, where's the Christmas spirit? I don't want any sibling fights because I have plenty of them back home with Esme, Fabian and Mika so I don't want to hear it", Tycho declared, throwing his hands in the air.

"Uh I hate this train, I think I'm going to just go and stretch my legs for a bit and escape this tiny area". Rio muttered before they stood up and slid the compartment door open and then disappeared from view.

"Oh shoot we forgot to ask Asher if she wanted to stay for Christmas!", Meadow said alarmed and jumped to her feet ready to hunt down Asher but when she was about to, the compartment door slid open and Meadow fell back into her seat. How could this be?

"Nah, I already have plans for Christmas but thanks for the offer", frickin Asher said before she took the seat Rio had seconds ago.
"I ran into Rio in the hallways so I thought I would drop by and say hi", she continued smiling.

"Where are you staying for Christmas then?", Nyx asked rather curious at what the reply could be.

"Eh don't be shocked or overreact but I'm staying with the Diggory's for Christmas", she replied and the compartment door once again opened and it was Rio who was back for wherever they were.

"That's my seat", they told bluntly and Asher got to her feet so her friend could sit down.
"So things are going great with Cedric and Amos or are the paperwork still needing a little push in the side", Rio asked and Meadow tilted her head and the same thing did Nyx.

"Yeah, thanks for exposing that but it's not a big deal anyway. Cedric's parents just need a little more convincing until they can adopt me and that is why I'm staying over for the holidays so they can know me better", Asher replied and AJ unitensionly snorted.

"I thought you guys were together", he told trying to hold back his lurking laugher and Asher gave him a dead stare.

"Ew, absolutely not. Never in my life, I will end up in a relationship with anyone. That's just gross", she muttered nearly gagging at the thought.

"So Cedric Diggory is now going to be your brother, that's nice to hear", Nyx said a little disappointed. He was of course glad that one of his friends had managed to find someone out there to adopt her but he couldn't stop feeling jealous about it. Asher had the chance of being adopted because she lived at an orphanage but with Nyx it was different. He had a home that was nothing else than a nightmare.

"Yup, well nice to see you guys again, I gotta get back to my compartment before Ceddy steals all of my saved up candy", Asher announced and ten seconds later she was already gone.

"Well she was very talkative", AJ murmured sarcastically and Rio rolled their eyes. Asher wasn't the most talkative person and especially in an area with people she didn't know that well. She was a tiny bit shy and she didn't open up to a lot but when you got to know her, she was the kindest, most trusted friend you could ever find.

"I hope your guys' mom have a big car", Nyx explained starring at Meadow who started grinning from ear to ear while AJ smirked.

"She is probably driving Daimlo", Meadow examined and she couldn't stop smiling at how her friends would react to the car that their mom owned. She did have two cars, one that was suitable for just the three of them and one that could fit seven people for occasions where people would come over.

"What is a Daimlo?", Tycho asked confused and Nyx clicked his tongue like he knew the answer.

"Well Tycho, a Daimlo is..." he began but stopped abruptly.
"Uhm what is a Daimlo?", Nyx continued and Tycho clutched after his stomach when laughter couldn't stop building up.

"Ha, smarty Nyx doesn't know what a Daimlo", Tycho told laughing between his words and he had problems with breathing.

"It's a car, a very special car", AJ claimed and Meadow nodded. Daimlo was indeed a car that people didn't see quite a lot and it sure didn't exist a ton of them. Their mom liked the old school themes and that is where Daimlo came into the picture and it is a significant original car.

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