Chapter 23 •■Dear old friend■•

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"You know, it's good to know that Hyperion has gotten some decent friends. I started to get worried for them since they normally would be all by themselves in their free time", Esme told as she turned around a corner. Meadow wondered what her friend Rio was doing when they didn't have anyone to spend their time with. She also was curious as to why nobody was friends with Rio because they were such an amazing person.

"I guess I am a decent person, but you are well friends with them, right?", Meadow asked cautions. She didn't want to get in trouble because she damn well knew that in a split second Esme could take away points or give her detentions for a whole week.

"Kind of but not really. I'm a prefect you see, and my job is basically to make sure that everyone is doing alright around this school and especially my housemates. I have been friendly with Hyperion ever since they started at this school but I do have other friends as well and if you haven't noticed yet, Hyperion is a quite stubborn person and they didn't want to hang with me and my friends which they don't like that much, but I don't blame them my friends are a bunch of dumbasses", she explained orotundly. Meadow nodded at her and yes she was right about Rio being a damn stubborn person and Meadow liked this about them because she was just as stubborn herself.

"Yeah, they are damn stubborn and so am I", Meadow added and sighed when it was a further way to walk. Oh, Merlin, she was in trouble with the person she would rather avoid at all times but now she has detention with this person. Professor Snape was someone she was nervous around because she didn't know how she would react whenever he was in the same place as her. Personally, she didn't have anything against Snape himself but the problem was that she was terrified if he would say anything about her father and that was something she didn't want. What if, Snape knew a different variety of her father, than the one in her dad's diaries? What if her dad was the one who hexed him and not one of her fathers' buddies?
What if her image of her perfect kind dad was flipped into a dad which wasn't a good person? She was afraid that her dad wasn't the person she thought he was.

"I think you are good for them since they are smiling for starters and they normally don't do that. Anyways here is Professor Snape's office and good luck with your detention. I might see you sometime later I suppose if I have time and do me a favour would you", she said but stopped at her last words so she would get Meadow's attention.
"Keep an eye on Tycho would you, just make sure that he is fine and all", she continued lilting. Meadow quickly managed to nod before Esme knocked on the door and she opened it the second later. She did a had movement and Meadow waved goodbye before she stepped into the office.

The walls in the room were like shadows and shelves was lined up on the wall which had jars containing some odd liquid with different parts of plants or animals. It was a fireplace present on one of the walls but the sweet warmth fire wasn't anywhere since the fireplace was cold and empty.  At a round table, sat the man himself high on the chair with his back straightened. Professor bloody Snape himself. A chair was on the other of the table and Snape stared at Meadow because she hadn't sat down yet.

"You may sit down miss Moonshard", Snape mentioned and Meadow mumbled that this was one of the worse things that could happen. She slowly followed orders and sat down anxious on the chair and gazed around her, anywhere else in the room that wasn't wherever Snape was.
She would avoid eye contact at all costs because she didn't like being here in this room at all with him.
Snape cleared his throat and Meadow frowned when her reflex took over and she ended up staring him dead in his cold dark eyes.

"So, whatever punishment I get for walking out of class, just get over with it. I have plenty of other things to do", Meadow muttered confident and it seemed like her words caught Snape of guard because he had a look of pure surprise on his face. Silent fell over the room and Meadow hated this, the silence was torture enough.

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